Strange Events

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Running all the way, without halting anywhere in between, I came back to inn. To my good fortune uncle has still not returned. Seeing one of uncle's trusted subordinate I gave him Zidian. "I think uncle forgot this on table inside the inn. Please keep this safe with you".

Leashing Fairy, I left the inn. As it was late night I stopped after walking a certain distance booking a room in another inn at the border of Qinghe area. Heading inside I asked the owner for a mat where Fairy can sleep. After changing clothes I am thinking of places where I can head tomorrow for night hunting. Closing my eyes I laid on bed for sleep. Even after an hour I just kept on rolling sideways. I couldn't sleep as my mind was restless thinking of an answer to tell if I suddenly bumped into Jiang uncle. Taking out a book from my pouch I started memorizing spells. Fairy is also awake with me and she sat beside me. Running towards the door, Fairy started barking aloud. "Fairy, be quiet. It is late night and everyone in the inn must be sleeping". Listening to me she stopped barking and someone knocked the door. "See Fairy, due to you everyone are awake and now they are knocking the door"

I opened the door and Fairy ran outside digging the ground with her paws. As there is no one outside, I ordered "Fairy, come inside"

After an hour someone is again knocking the door. I opened the door and there is no one outside again. Feeling suspicious, I closed the door and jumped out of the window to check  where the person knocking my door is hiding. After scrutinizing the ground floor, I went upstairs to find some clue. Still there was no trace of anyone hiding or running in the corridor.

Coming back to my room I closed the latch of door from inside. Fairy is alert on door to attack immediately whenever there is another knock. However, there is nothing strange, no one knocked the door. But, after some time I heard water dripping sounds from outside. I ignored thinking there might be some leakage. The night passed and I slept maybe after the sunrise. Dozing off I heard a loud scream which broke my sleep. Opening my eyes I stood alert with Suihua in my hand. 

On opening my door, the floor was covered with a pool of blood. There was no leakage outside rather someone had nailed a dead black cat on top of the door. 

Feeling absurd about the occurrence of events that happened in the night, I yelled at the inn owner immediately checking out. Walking ahead I inquired people about any strange events happening nearby. It was late night and I rested booking a room in another inn. To my irritation, the same incident happened again.

Curiosity gripped me and I decided to find the prime mover behind the occurrence of the events. Moreover I wasnt willing to ruin my sleep at nights staying awake for ridiculous reason. Fairy led the way and I simply followed her. On reaching Yueyang my ears pained hearing "Hee-haw hee-haw"

Fairy started barking aloud hearing brey and I simply followed the sound. Few cultivators dressed in white robes are surrounding the donkey. Few of them had also covered their ears with their palms.

These are Lan disciples!

"Why is your dog barking so loud?" It was Jingyi who questioned.

I retorted in anger. "It is not my dog but your stupid donkey. Fairy will stop barking as soon as your donkey is quiet"

One of the Oyeyang disciples suggested "I think we must just leave this donkey here. We should get rid of this"

Lan Sizhui was holding the reins of donkey. "It is of Senior Mo. We cannot abandon it"

My eyes sparkled hearing Mo Xuanyu's name. Even with whatever happened I still felt the urge to see him. "So Hanguang-Jun and Mo Xuanyu both are also here?"

As we were chatting, I suddenly heard Zizhen shouting, "Your dog .... You dog  Fairy". Turning around I saw Fairy had just opened her mouth and that stupid donkey kicked her. On her defense Fairy bit him on his leg.

I was so proud of her. Finally someone silenced the donkey.

"Your disgusting dog. How can it bite Lill Apple". Jingyi said nastily.

I am busy checking if Fairy has any injuries. "Don't say anything about Fairy. She is not useless like this stupid donkey. She is a spiritual dog. She has been gifted to me by my uncle"

All Lan disciples are shouting aloud. 

Lan Sizhui - "Stop fighting". Checking Lill Apple he is applying medicine on his wounds. "I think we should find a safe place where we can leave Lill apple."

Turning towards me, he sighs. "What makes you come at Yueyang Master Jin Ling"

Lan Sizhui is the most obedient and favorite disciple of Hanguang-Jun. He is somewhat more sensible than others. I explained him how someone had placed a dead cat in the front door at every inn that I lived.

Lan Sizhui - "It is quite weird. We all had been to Langya for night hunting where at first head of dead cat was found in our soup. Later in one of bedsheets we found dead cat. This continued and chasing it we reached here at Yueyang"

Looking at me Lan Sizhui continued, "There is something odd. If we all are chasing same thing then I feel it would be better if we move together "

I nodded in agreement.

Later on we moved to a nearby inn where Lan Sizhui offered some money and asked them if they can look after Lil Apple and Fairy if not inside the inn then at some close by location until we all are back.

Caressing the fur on Fairy's neck I sighed telling her Goodbye!

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