Emapthy (M)

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Escaping from the tunnel she roamed all alone and walked too far. Taking lifts from few carriages on her way she finally stopped at a temple in Moling sect. This is the same temple where she attacked Jin Ling.

She built her own home and started working for a vendor as cook in a cake shop. In this time she got pregnant with Jin Guangshan's child. She cursed the child initially but later with time fell in love with the child. She was happy in her small world - She and her child.

Years passed. While she was working in a shop suddenly she heard chaos outside. Running outside she sees the shop owner being kicked by a person wearing black robes. Looking carefully I realize it is Xue Yang. Appologizing the shop owner Jin Guangyao pays for his loss. While he was asking  Xue Yang to behave his eyes moved and stopped at Jingjiao who was witnessing this from behind. With the photocopy memory which Jin Guangyao held, I am sure he must have identified her.

After they left, Jingjiao picked up the shop owner who was lying on ground. "We should complain to sect leader".

Shop owner - "The one in golden robes is in good terms with the sect leader Su She. Moreover Lanlingjin sect is the most powerful one today. Who will dare to speak something about them".

Later in the night there was a knock on her.

It was Jin Guangyao! Seeing him I thought inwardly,
One can run away from their fate for a day
But you cannot escape from it forever.

"Madam, may I come in?"

Bowing down, she let him in. She was shivering and I was able to feel it.

Jin Guangyao "How are you doing?"

Jingjiao - "Is there something that I can help you about?"

"My father is sorry for his behavior with you. After he lost his son, he is appologizing everyone whom he misused. Please forgive him and come with me to Lanlingjin. Think about your child. He will have a bright future there". If I would have not been knowing the future even I would have been convinced with his lie. Jin Guangyao was indeed good at telling lie with conviction. Lanlingjin was then most powerful sect. The offer indeed was lucrative to deny. Initially she disagreed but later she was convinced that Jin Guangshan is apologetic and this will be best for her and her child's future.

She nodded and left with him carrying her child in her arms. My soul screamed for her "Don't trust him".

As it was late night they halted in an inn. Jingjiao stayed with her child in one room and Jin Guangyao was in another.  She was doubtful of her decision so she thought of asking Jin Guangyao what happened after she ran away. Outside the door she heard his conversation with Xue Yang.

Xue Yang - "Are you going to take all your father's bastards back to Lanlingjin? If you want to charity his property then why don't you just give it to me?"

Jin Guangyao - "I want you to kill her and her child".

Xue Yang - "She was already hiding, why did you tricked her?"

Jin Guangyao - "She is not a danger today but who knows tomorrow she might entice my father to accept her son. I don't want any troubles in future with others claiming for the position of sect leader "

After hearing their conversation she came back to her room and sprinted away with her child. She was scared that Jin Guangyao will come following her so she left her child in the same temple where she hid years before. She was aware of all secret rooms and hidden passages inside the temple. With caution she hid him in a place where it was difficult for anyone to find.

As she came out of the temple, she was found by Xue Yang. Without showing any mercy he killed her on the spot.

Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang searched for child but were unable to find it. Finally Xue Yang said "He is a small boy. He hardly recognizes his mother. How will he know anything about father whom he never saw. Lets just go from here. I am too hungry and don't want to waste anymore time here".

Leaving the child behind they left from there.

The child grew on its own. His mother turned into ghost and protected him from all dangers.

He lived most of his time inside the temple. Initially I thought he is stealing food from fields. But, later I realized he is not keeping it to himself rather distributed with all poor children. Hearing plea of all devotees hiding behind the statue, he started acting upon them fulfilling all his wishes.

Master Huan's Niece - "God why do you harass me by taking lives of all those who were close to me

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Master Huan's Niece - "God why do you harass me by taking lives of all those who were close to me. First my father died and now my mother. My uncle scolds me for everything I do. I only had my mother's necklace as her memory. He took that too from me".

The boy heard her plea standing behind the goddess statue. He stole the necklace from master Huan's house and returned it to the girl. When he was almost caught it was his mother Jingjiao who saved him. Now Wei Wuxian knew the entire story. I always thought how lucky I am to be adopted by Jiang Fengmian. If I would have been living on streets then max achievement of my life would have been becoming beggar leader or living by stealing grains from fields. I was happy to see the boy in empathy. Even if his path was incorrect still in his own way he was like me. He also chose to help the poor and needy. Even with all odds I was emotional seeing mothers love towards her child.

When I was out of Empathy, Jingjiao begged she will receive salvation when she is sure that her son is in safe hands. There is someone to protect him from tyranny of Lanlingjin. Promising her I left to find her son. I was interrupted by a sweet voice "Wei Wuxian, what did you see?" Then I realized there were two more people in the room - Yuan and Jin Ling. Jin Ling! What should I tell him? He is one soul who has been suffering for deeds which were not his own but related to those who were close to him. But, over the years I did everything to help the poor, to serve the right. Moving closer to him  I looked into his eyes, "Jin Ling, I am going to find that boy. You need to know he is innocent. He was a mere victim in hands of Lanlingjin. Will you accompany me?"

He nodded and I pulled him into an embrace. All three of us left.

Stopping by the shop where Jingjiao worked, I saw her son. A boy running away from dog who held a piece of bread in his hand. Chills ran down my spine hearing dog barks. I remembered how I was bitten by dog when I was young. Jingjiao glowered at the dog and with few more barks it ran away. 

I extended my hand to the boy in front of me. He is older than me when Jiang Fengmian uncle gave me shelter. Standing in front of me he gave a wide smile and I felt as if I have time traveled and I am seeing myself in the mirror now. 

With him clasping my hand, soul of Jingjiao vanished and went inside my spirit trapping pouch.

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