Night Hunt 1

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On my way, I couldn't stop reminiscing the memories of our experience of night hunt in Yi City. On reaching Xuanwumen, I could see from far Wen Ning was serving something to all disciples. Probably as it morning time, they are having breakfast. Even if I don't hold any hatred towards Wen Ning, still somehow I am not able to develop a friendly bond as well.

Sizhui was talking with Jingyi and I barged in between them. In this one year Sizhui has changed a bit. His skin has tanned to a shade darker. His height has increased and he looked more strong as if he did only headstand in this past one year.  

Sizhui looked towards me and smiled. "Hey"

 I could no longer take my eyes off his dimples. I missed him so much, did he even miss me too?

Waving a hand in front of my eyes Jingyi yelled "What are you dreaming?"

Coming back to reality I asked for Wei Wuxian whereabouts. After Uncle Yao's death, this was the first time I shall be meeting Wei Wuxian. I was happy as well as nervous to meet him. However, I knew if he was here we will surely learn something new. After an hour Wei Wuxian entered holding an emperor's smile. Seeing what he is holding everybody knew where he was.

Few boys were giggling looking at Wei Wuxian and I wondered the reason behind blush on their face. Looking at them with a smile Wei Wuxian said "Gossiping is a punishable offence as per Gusu sect rules". I just wonder does he know and remember all the laws.

Ouyang Zizhen exclaimed "Oh! We just wanted to know is it true that your's and Huanguang-Jun's marriage dates are out. How lucky! you will be marrying Huanguang-jun"

Lan Jingyi "Obviously Wei Wuxian is lucky. Hanguang-Jun is the best, the most skillful cultivator. He is good with martial arts, calligraphy, summoning Zither and...and... many more things"

Resting his hand on Jinyi's shoulder Wei Wuxian winked, "He is a definitely skillful at all that you mentioned. But I will tell you a secret. He is much more skillful at giving pleasures"

With his sudden remark everyone's mouth was wide open and cheeks were bright red. Looking at our faces he burst out loud in laughter. At this moment, I could only remember his love confession and kissing sounds in Guanyin temple.

After a while, slouching on a bench Wei Wuxian enquired "So, did any of you do any enquiry on their way?"

Back story:
Master Huan visited Gusu complaining that his precious jade necklace was stolen by a thief whose face was covered with a black mask. When his servants caught him the thief was saved by a spirit who injured all his servants. Xuanwumen is a region which falls under Moling sect. However after Sushe's demise the sect is looked by Gusu again. One such incident had occured before which was reported to Sushe. But he was busy and the matter resolution got delayed.

It was Lan Sizhui who replied "Master Wei, we asked few villagers nearby but no one was ready to spill any beans on black faced boy."

Wei Wuxian- "Okay. Then find another way. No one is going to do any harm to that boy unless your own life is endangered. You all are grown ups. I am only a mere spectator in this night hunt. I want to see how you boys solve the case".

As I wasn't aware of the case fully, I moved towards Lan Sizhui, "I think we both should go to Master Huan's house and start from there. We may find some clue there". I also wanted to spend some time with my friend. I missed him so much. I also wanted to know about his experience in Qishan.

Before Yuan could reply Jingyi said, "Yes, Jing Ling is right. We should all go to Master Huan's house and start finding clues about spirit from there".

The next moment we all left for Master Huan's house and it was Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning who followed us from behind.

On reaching master Huan's house, I felt someone dragged my neck with a string. Suihua fell from hand with my unpreparedness. It was Yuan who pulled me towards him trying hard to rescue me but he was too attacked by the same spirit. I wanted to help him but the force was unbearable. I could hear Wei Wuxian playing chenqing and it was Wen Ning who slammed the spirit making her run away.

All the disciples surrounded around me and Yuan. He was bleeding. Even if it wasn't me it was me again who made him bleed. Wei Wuxian offered me water and took me in his arms whereas Wen Ning treated Yuan's injury. Master Huan came outside and with him all of us entered his house.

Wei Wuxian - "Master Huan,can you brief us what happened exactly?"

Master Huan - "It was late night and I was returning home from council meeting. Last month my sister died and her jade necklace was her last memory which was present in my rooms locker. All the lights were off when the thief entered to steal the necklace. He dint know I was out and not expected me to light the room late night. I saw the necklace in his hand and knew at that moment he was here for robbery. Shouting aloud, all servants and family members gathered in my room. He was almost caught when a corpse came from nowhere helping him to run away".

Jing Ling - "How did the theif look?"

Master Huan - "Master, he wore black gown and black mask. His height was one cun smaller than you. None of us saw his face so we couldn't tell you much".

Jingyi - "From where did the thief run and where did the corpse go?"

Master Huan pointed at the window and Wei Wuxian looked down from there inspecting it. Wei Wuxian also checked the locker present in his room.

When Wei Wuxian was looking down from window Lan Sizhui asked - "Why did the corpse attack Jing Ling?"

Master Huan - "It is quite weird. There have been instances of grains being theft from fields. But nobody knew the culprit behind it until they found a boy in black dress covering his face with black mask stealing the grains. However, he was unharmed as he was saved by same spirit. I haven't heard of any stories where the corpse was seen alone by anyone".

Taking the address of the grain field we left from Master Huan's house. Nothing significant was found on inquiring the villager who saw the corpse whose grains were looted except for one thing that many villagers have seen that corpse near Xuanwumen temple.

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