Water Ghoul

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"There are some disruptions inside the water near Tinshan He sect. All those who went deep inside the water to catch fishes never returned. It has been  a long time where we have been facing this issue".

After reading the message immediately I knew "Water Ghouls!".

Jin Ling - "These are due to water ghouls. Such problems were always faced in Yunmeng".

With my sword and bow and arrows, I left with Wu Xin when Nei Yanyi interrupted "I will also join as I have never fought with water ghouls before". After a long time Nei Yanyi showed interest in something. A strange thing occurred on Jiang uncle's last day. For the feast even Nei Huisang was invited. But he dint reach the place. He is missing since then. All of us with all our powers searched him everywhere but were not able to find him. In his absence now his son is handling sect affairs.

Seeing Nei Yanyi joining us, I went to our bedroom. It has been so long that I went on night hunt with Yuan. His insights will definitely help us to deal with them efficiently. He was meditating. I gave him a peck in his cheek and he opened his eyes.

"We are going to hunt Water Ghouls. Come, join us".

Sizhui was hesitating to say something. "What happened?"

"It's like I already have water sickness. I feel nausea near water".

"Hmm..Okay. We have not been out on night hunt together from long time so I thought...Never mind".

While I was leaving he said "I know you are brave. But, send me signal if you are in danger".

"Then don't you think you should come with us". His face drooped and lifting his chin I kissed him on his forehead. "I will".

Reaching Tinshan we took boats.

I was in one boat, Wu Xin and Nei Yanyi in another. Few disciples also accompanied us who were in different boat.

The water was calm and there were no movements. We were all alert. I saw a shadow of ghoul under water besides Wu Xin's boat. Pointing three arrows at once I shot underneath sea aiming the ghoul near Wu Xin's boat. Wu Xin swiftly jumped on my boat and then did I notice there was a ghoul behind me. Nei Yanyi was all alone so I jumped on her boat. Wu Xin also followed me and and with our backs facing each other all three of us fought all ghouls until all of them were destroyed.

On our return journey I asked Wu Xin "Why did you jump on my boat? Nei Yanyi was all alone. You could have shouted and made me alert".

Looking into my eyes he said "Jin Ling, It will always be you first".

I noticed the excitement in Nei Yanyi's face fading. Changing the topic I just teased him, "Wu Xin, over these years you have become an expert in martial arts. I noticed today your moves have changed so much". Nudging my shoulders with his I asked, "Is Nei Yanyi your new teacher?"

Indeed he was changed. Over the years he has improved but today there was something different I noticed which I am unable to explain.

With a sly smile on his face he continued  "Lan Sizhui was the best disciple and so you fell for him. Was I as good as him today? Soon I will be more powerful"

Jin Ling - "Huh...Yuan, is the best!"

Nei Yanyi continued "Its not like that Wu. Love story of Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian was most talked everywhere. But, after my marriage I saw Jin Ling and Sizhui". She continued addressing me, "What you two have is so special. I sometimes actually envy you two. It will take years for me and Wu Xin to build the bond that you two share together".

With mention of Yuan, I started missing him. He should have come. I know back home he is definitely going to ask me what did we find out on our way and why did the ghouls harassed people. Actually, Wei Wuxian and Hanguang-Jun had this habit of finding out reasons or last wishes of corpses which Yuan too follows and teaches all his disciples. They are of the view that most of the times corpses do have a reason behind harassing people. Indeed it was true as well. But, we have already passed the village and going back just to enquire when all of them are defeated doesn't make sense anymore. However, I really need to form an answer for the same.

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