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Feeling lonely as it is lockdown, My lifestyle is changed, 
I was scavenging books to satisfy my hunger for reading 
I Googled few books for my time killing, None captivate to my liking 
Then in my world of Dullness, came a Ray of Light
Being a fan of MDZS the Title - Lan Zhan's Untamed immediately caught my sight 
Expecting it, not to be as good as original, I just created an account on Wattpad 
Then began the journey of a my soul relinquishing its loneliness for which I wasn't prepared
Unaware that it is dawn of me witnessing the beautiful world of fantasies 
Your Writing skills, Your Imagination, Your Words is completely mesmerizing

Lan Zhan's untamed was my motivation behind writing a story from Jing Ling's POV. I never intended author to match your masterpiece. You simply have been my inspiration.

This is my first novel and hope all my readers enjoyed reading the same.

All my readers, thank you for reading. Please let me know in the comment box  if you are interested in the sequel.

#FanofMDZS #FanofWanxian #FanofUntamed #FanofGandmasterofDemonicCultivation

Last but not the least #FanofLuvlaws

Jin Ling - This is my story!Where stories live. Discover now