Prologue: The Man in Sunglasses

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Three months ago, all hope seemed lost when Superman beat Batman and put him under his control. Using Brainiac's technology and his spaceship, he freed his regimes from Stryker's Island and locked up his own cousin, Supergirl. The world was once again under his iron fist and even the Insurgency appeared to be a lost cause. That was until a man in a pair of sunglasses arrived.

The man in sunglasses single-handed broke Supergirl out of Stryker, and once the two had escaped, they found the Insurgency. A band of rebellious heroes and villains, consisting of Green Lantern, Green Arrows, Flash, Black Canary, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, Catwoman, and even Harleen.

With the Insurgency's aid, they were able to destroy the WatchTower, recruited other villains such as Cheetah, Reverse-Flash, and Captain Cold to join them in the fight, and even rescued both Firestorm and Blue Beetle from the clutches of Superman and his One Earth Government. Finally, it looks like things were beginning to change for the better.

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