Chapter 30: Seeing Red

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The Man:

"What," Oliver yells, "Dinah, you can't be serious."

"Why not," Cheetah interrupts. "Black Canary is right. If these sons of-."

Cheetah pauses and looks at me. I wave at her.

"If these sons of bastards," Cheetah goes on, "If these sons of bastards don't want us here, then I said we just go. So long green lanterns, thank you for almost killing us a bunch of times."

"Exactly," Cold says. "Why help a bunch of ungrateful people?"

"Because you're supposed to," Arisia yells, now all eyes turning to her. "Remember, I called you here to help us."

"And you were one of the first to fire at us," Dinah replies. "And even after we helped to fight back against some yellow lanterns, you guys still try and fight us. Just ask him."

Dinah raises her hand and points at me. As she did, I start to see a little steam coming out of Arisia's ears.

"Okay fine," Arisia says, "Even I'll admit. That test of will wasn't what I was expecting."

"Wasn't what you were expecting," Dinah repeats.

"But," Arisia screams, "But you guys still can't leave. We need you. It may not look like it but we do need you. All of you. Every single one of you."

"Arisia is right," Laria joins. "Some of you saw it for yourself. Our infirmary is filled with injuries green lanterns. They need help."

"Help yourself," Cheetah says, turning to walk around. However, before she can get fast, Harleen grabs her shoulder.

"Not so fast, Pookla Dot," Harleen says, pulling her back in. "Now, as much as the green lanterns have been as--."

I cough into my fist and Harleen looks at me.

"Butts," she says, "Now, as much as the green lanterns have been butts to us, I think Blondie and Redhead are right. We can't leave. We have to stay."

"You're outvoted," Reverse-Flash says, walking behind Cheetah and Dinah. "I voted we ditch these sorry sons of bitches and--"

Immediately, I slap Reverse-Flash on the back of his head.

"Ouch," he yells, turning to face me.

"Don't swear," I say, facing him. "Also, we're staying."

"What," Dinah yells, turning to face me now.

"Yes," Harleens shouts, raising both her arms into the air. "Thank you."

"How can you, out of everyone here, even say that," Dinah asks. "They tried to kill you."

"The Guardians did not try to kill him," Laria corrects.

"They tried to kill me," I re-corrects, "Well, most of them did. Nevertheless, as much as I'm okay with leaving them, we, unfortunately, cannot."

"Why not," Dinah asks.

"Because they are allies. You know the old saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sun Tzu."

"I think in this case," Leonard says, "The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy."

"Shut up, Leonard," Oliver says, "The Man said it. We're staying."

I sense a series of arguments on the verge of erupting, so just as everyone opens their mouths to speak their minds, I step forward and clap my hands.

"At least for now," I say, looking at everyone as they stare me down. "We are staying for now, and the reason for it is because, from more than plenty of observations, Superman and is One Earth government have already partnered with Sinestro and his yellow lantern corps. That means his army just got a lot stronger. If we can somehow convince the green lantern corps we are indeed allies, we may be able to level the battlefield."

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