Chapter 5: Full of Fates

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"Selina," I say, grabbing and shaking her. "Selina. Come on. Wake up."

Eventually replying with a moan, her eyes snap open.

"Uh," she cries, turning her head left and right. "What happened? Where the heck is that magical bastard?"

Selian growling, she then opens her hand, claws shooting out of her fingers.

"He's gone," I quickly answer, looking back at the sky.

"What," Selina asks, the claws disappearing. "Where? When? How long was I out?"

"I can't answer that right now. He found him. Dr. Fate found him and he's going to him. Listen, I'm going to help him. You can drive back."

Leaping into the air before I can hear whatever it is Selina just said, I hover for a bit.

"Where did you go? Where did you go? Which way?"

Stopping when I see a bunch of lights not too far away, I fly toward them as fast as I can.

The Man:

One of the dozen and dozen of Dr. Fates ripping a vent from the rooftop, he tosses it right at me. The giant piece of steel flying my way, I run toward, slipping under it at the last second. The vent flying off the roof, I pull from my jacket a kunai.

Screaming as I stab Dr. Fate in the neck with my kunai, a bright light pouring out from his wounds. Crying as he places his hand on his wounds, he moans for a bit before disappearing into a glow.

Having no time to spare, I turn around and throw my kunai. My kunai hits another Dr. Fate square in his chest, light can be seen leaking through. Falling from the sky, he drops only a few feet before disappearing into the same glow as the ones before.

As this one Dr. Fate disappeared, three more crosses appeared out of thin air and four Dr. Fates fly out from each of them.

"You cannot beat us," a Dr. Fate brags. "Our powers are near limitless."

"Yeah, so are my kunai," I reply. Reaching into my jackets, I pull out small handfuls of kunai and pellets. "So are my pellets."

Tossing everything in my hands, my kunai and pellets all simultaneously go off, unleashing thick smoke clouds, explosions, and deafening sound waves. While many are knocked out of the sky and vanish, many others are forced back.

Seeing an opportunity, I turn and start to run away. Running across the rooftops as fast as I can, I jump over a ledge and onto the rooftop of an adjacent building. Leaping and sliding across a vent, I stop when displacer orbs hit the floor in front of me. Leaving behind scorch marks, I step back but stop again when a beam hits the same exact vent.

A glow pulling the vent from the rooftop raises it right above my head. Looking past the vents, I see more Dr. Fates than ever before. Easily 50 of them, maybe even more, they're all focused on one thing and one thing only: me.

One Dr. Fate throwing the vent, a few more tossing displacer orbs, and a bunch firing magical beams, I suck in my guts and twist my body to dodge everything. Jumping over a beam and ducking under an incoming orb, the vent hitting my hairs as it shoots past me, I once again have to stop when my heel hits a wall.

"No," I think, looking behind. "Not a wall but the rooftop's railing."

Looking over the railing, I see a seven stories drop onto the empty Gotham streets. Now looking back in front, I see all the Dr. Fates slowly close in on me.

"You are trapped," one of them says.

"And our magic shows us you cannot fly," another Dr. Fate adds.

"Prepare for the end," a third says, raising both his hands. The rest of them follow, they all raise their hands.

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