Chapter 48: Lost

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As I fly out of the boom tube, I see my parademons attack Mogo, the living planet with the green lantern ring. It seems he is not alone, and there are a few green lanterns helping him.

"It doesn't matter," I say, "My parademons will all of them. DeSaad, Kalibak, Granny, follow me to Oa. We have a battery to collect."

They all nod their heads and follow after me as I fly toward the surface of Oa.


"This is bad," Laria says after peeking around the asteroid. "Then again, at least the green lanterns will be too busy to notice us rescuing Ganthet and Atrocitus. Come on. Let's go."

"Wait," I say, flying beside Laria as the two of us fly toward Oa. "What about Mogo, and the green lanterns? I know they haven't been friendly toward us, but that doesn't mean we leave them to Darkseid and his parademons. We should help."

"We will," Laria yells as we enter Oa's sky. "But not now. For now, we have to find Ganthet and Atrocitus and get them back to the ship. Once there, we tell The Man everything and see what he wants to do."

"Fine then."

Reaching Oa, the two of us fly through the cloudy sky before seeing the city below.

"Incoming," Laria says, stopping. Pointing toward the city, we see a bunch of green dots heading our way. "This way."

With no choice, I follow Laria as we hide behind a nearby building. The green lanterns don't notice us when they fly past. They must be heading to help Mogo and the others. The last of the lanterns disappearing from sight, Laria and I fly out and down.

"Okay," Laria says, stopping and hovering in mid-air. "Where are they? Where are Ganthet and Atrocitus?"

"I don't know," I answer. Taking a breath and focusing, I use my x-ray vision to look through the buildings. Practically all of the buildings are empty. There are robots in a few of them, but other than the robots, the whole city is abandoned.

"Remind of Gotham," I think as I keep scanning. "Hey, I've found them."

I hit Laria in her arm before breaking through a series of buildings. Flying and breaking through one last building, I wave the dust away and reveal a frightened Ganthet and Atrocitus. They're on the ground, holding up their arms.

"Don't worry," I say, raising my own hand. "We're allies, and we're here to help."

"I know that," Ganthet says, swinging his arms, "But what I don't know is why you had to do that. You couldn't have just gone around the buildings instead of through them."

Ganthet points at the massive hole in the wall I made.

"Sorry about that," I say, "But we have only a small opening to rescue the two of you."

"Speaking of small openings," Laria says, walking up beside me with her ring right in front of her. As she holds up her ring, I notice it starts to flash on and off.

"What's going on," I ask, "Is your will weakening too?"

"No," Laria says, "But it is losing power. It had been a while since I charge my ring, and worst, I didn't bring my portable battery with me."

"Also," Ganthet says, rubbing his chin. "Despite how many green lanterns there are fighting, the central battery is still heavily guarded. You won't be able to charge your ring. At least, not without a fight."

"We didn't come here for a fight," Laria says. She clutches her hand and the glow returns to her ring. Aiming it at Ganthet and Atrocitus, she places them in a bubble. Without saying another word, Laria jumps and flies into the air.

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