Volume 9, Chapter 4 - "Learning A Lesson"

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(BF/N BF/LN's P.o.V)

It had only been a couple of days since Topaz went into the infirmary but he made a considerably speedy recovery. Mind you, I was not one to talk as I was more used to people not having a naturally growing Aura pool inside their bodies to help fix themselves up quicker. As the team leader, I made a solemn vow never to let anything like that happen again to any of my teammates, which I believe Sonic and Ebon also took because they were just as much more protective of Topaz as I was once he was discharged from the infirmary. In fact, everyone who had recovered from any sort of attack or battle or any kind of skirmish were always given as much support from their fellow students as they could give. Amnesty Academy had more of a family atmosphere than anything else. During breakfast, Maggie came up to our desk holding a bright daffodil in her hands.

Maggie: "Excuse me, Topaz?"

Topaz: "Y-Yes?"

Maggie: "Here. It's for you."

Maggie passed over the flower to Topaz, who carefully cradled its delicate form in his hands.

Topaz: "F-For me? Oh... Maggie, you... you shouldn't have. T-Thank you."

Maggie: "Daffodils are my favourite. They've always brought me good luck. I... thought that you might like it."

Then, Maggie reached out and took the flower from Topaz's hands. With some quick work from her skilled hands, she placed the flower into Topaz's hair, giving him a bright, shining yellow daffodil on the side of his head. Topaz looked up and I swear I could see the faintest blush on his face once Maggie's soft hands brushed up against his hair.

Topaz: "I... I love it... t-thank you, Maggie."

In response, Maggie smiled in glee, which made Topaz's blush even clearer to me. He smiled back. Then, the bell signifying the end of breakfast and the approaching start of our first class of the day sounded; Maggie said goodbye and skipped back to her teammates on the other side of the class. As the day went on, I caught Topaz sneaking glances at Maggie as we passed Class Bullet in the corridors. Even when we had sat down for our twenty-minute break after our second class, I caught him once again staring at the bee faunus girl across the library. I looked to Sonic and he motioned to me to start talking; he had already figured out what I was about to find out.

(BF/N): "Uh... Topaz? You there, pal?"

Topaz: "H-Huh?! O-Oh, y-yeah. Sorry, kinda... spaced out."

(BF/N): "Staring at girls?"

Sonic: "Hehe. No, (BF/N). Not girls, a girl."

Topaz: "S-Sonic!"

(BF/N): "Why are you always staring at Maggie Honeydew?"

Topaz: "U-Uh-"

(BF/N): "And, why are you so spaced out today?"

Topaz: "W-Well, I-"

(BF/N): "And, why do you keep feeling that daffodil she put in your hair?"

Topaz: "I-I- I don't-"

(BF/N): "And, why are you stuttering more than usual? And, why are you sweating so much? And, why are you blushing so hard? And, w-"

All of a sudden, my brain's lightbulb finally switched on and the reason for Topaz's weird behaviour popped into my head. I teasingly grinned and so did Sonic. Topaz began to panic.

Topaz: "N-N-N-N-No! Wait! I-It's not what you think."

Sonic and I leaned in closer. Topaz knew it was hopeless but he kept coming out with his excuses.

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