Volume 1, Chapter 9 - "An Inside Job"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

A few days had passed since I had that encounter at the industrial district. We couldn't figure out what the green goo was, even Vale's top scientists didn't have the answers so it was soon shipped over to Atlas for analysis. We were told to keep going as normal and not to discuss this with anyone but ourselves. After those events, things went pretty normal for the rest of the week. I was sat in my room, with my teammates, playing my guitar when Ryan stood up and went over to the Wardrobe of Many Things and opened a grey box. That was our team's Dust Box; every team is given one to contain Dust crystals in a safe environment. When he got up, I saw that the box was empty again.

Ryan: "We're out of Dust again."

Christine: "Oh, you're kidding me right now!"

Ryan: "Sorry but that thing's emptier than a video game store after a blowout sale."

(Y/N): "Who's turn is it to go shopping?"

Christine: "Not me, I went last time!"

Brady: "Who's next in the acronym?"

(Y/N): *sigh* "Me..."

Ryan: "Well, go on then."

(Y/N): "Fine, I'm going."

I got up and put my guitar on its stand before grabbing my wallet and leaving the room. Whenever one of us had to go out for something, we each took it in turns based on the positioning of our names in our team's acronym. Unfortunately, I was the second one so that meant I always had to go after Christine. After I had left Beacon Academy, I traveled to Vale's commercial district and went into From Dust Till Dawn. Luckily for me, the shop had already recovered from its recent robbery. The bell on the door chimed as I went inside, what I noticed though was that the shelves and display cases were a lot emptier than usual. Guess Roman really wasn't kidding around when he said that he had stolen almost all of Vale's Dust supply! I walked up to the counter and the shopkeeper smiled at me.

Shopkeeper: "Good morning, sir. How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"

(Y/N): "And good morning to you! Hm... just a small bag of Dust please?"

Shopkeeper: "Of course, crystals or powder?"

(Y/N): "Crystals, please."

Shopkeeper: "What kind of Dust?"

(Y/N): "Anything really, we're all out."

Shopkeeper: "What's new?"

He then filled up a tiny bag with a wide variety of Dust crystals before tying it up with a string and turning to me.

Shopkeeper: "That'll be forty Lien."

(Y/N): "How much?!"

Shopkeeper: "Forty."

(Y/N): "Forty?! It was twenty last time!"

Shopkeeper: "Well, I am sorry sir but the crime rate's been forcing the producers of Dust to raise their prices and, because of that, I have to raise mine."

(Y/N): "Of course... but... twenty's all I got. C-Could you just... empty the bag until I have twenty Lien's worth of Dust?"

Shopkeeper: "Of course."

He then emptied the bag for a little while and handed it over to me as I handed the money over to him. I looked inside the bag and there were only four crystals inside it! Only four! That works out at five Lien per crystal!

(Y/N): "What? Is that it?!"

Shopkeeper: "Yes, sir."

(Y/N): "Ugh... fine. Thank you... I guess."

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