Volume 10, Chapter 7 - "Assault on the Colosseum"

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(No one's P.o.V)

Deep underground, below Amnesty Academy inside the laboratory, Cinder Fall was sitting in a chair with electrodes attached to her head and the remaining part of her arm that had not been burnt off when she removed her Grimm arm. Beside her on the table next to the chair was a series of monitors and a single, skin-coloured robotic arm. The arm had been constructed for her immediately after she incinerated her Grimm arm as a replacement. The prosthetic arm worked through a combination of conventional will-based prosthetic technology that interacted with signals from the brain and some advanced Remnantian Aura-interaction techniques, which, when put together, allowed the wearer to move the arm just as naturally as the arms they were born with. Eventually, the calibration between Cinder's mind and Aura and the prosthetic arm was complete and it was attached to Cinder's body where her Grimm arm used to be after the electrodes were removed. Then, one of the scientists who developed the arm for her gently poked each finger with a needle, which provoked a reflex response from Cinder's body, causing each finger to bend towards the palm. Cinder felt as if the arm was part of her body just like her old one used to be. This meant that the arm was perfectly synchronised with her nerve cells.

Scientist: "Try moving it."

Doing as she was told, Cinder tried to clench her fist and the arm responded at the exact same speed as a natural hand. She opened her fist and closed each finger individually before rotating her hand and bending it forwards and back. She bent her arm upwards, pushing out her elbow, and outwards, stretching forwards into the open air. The team beside her were very impressed with the results.

Scientist: "What do you think?"

Cinder hummed a little and suddenly spun around, thrusting her arm forward and opening her palm! A jet stream of fire burst out of her robotic hand and melted the face of a nearby training dummy that was used to test new weapons and equipment! Cinder needed to have full access to her magic, which was why she specifically requested for the arm to be blanketed in the greatest heat-resistant metal they could find: titanium. She stopped firing and looked at the smoking arm, staring into her new palm.

Cinder: "It's perfect."

Just then, Mercury and Emerald entered the laboratory through the elevator and walked up to Cinder. They stared at her new arm for a while, Cinder raised it and moved the fingers, slightly showing off. Eventually, she put her jacket back on and covered most of the arm with only her hands remaining naked from the sleeves.

Emerald: "Everyone's been called to the Amphitheatre for mission briefing."

Cinder: "I can't believe we're going through with this but... what the hell, right? Come on, let's see what hair-brained scheme the others have come up with."

With a smile, Cinder joined her partners and rode the elevator back up to the surface. Eventually, everyone in the academy was gathered inside the amphitheatre. Standing on the stage was Team Caliber alongside Penny. The students eagerly awaited the plan their mentors had to save Amnesty Academy and indeed, planet Earth and Remnant from the weaponised Amity Colosseum.

Cinder: "You'd better not have dragged us all in here just to tell us we're giving up."

(Y/N): "Ha! Oh, yee of little faith. We haven't given up for five years and we're not starting now."

(BF/N): "Five years... has it really been that long?"

Tom: "Weird, isn't it? I can remember the day this war started... as if it were only yesterday."

Vanessa: "Yeah, well... it's gonna end soon, I know it will."

Tom: "You said that last year... and the year before that... and the year before that-"

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