Volume 6, Chapter 2 - "Someone To Look Up To"

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(No one's P.o.V)

On the peak of Mount Corvus, the Blackbird remained, overlooking the land of Remnant with a great sense of caution and patience eradiating from his presence. He remained as silent as the icy chills that rode through the mountain range as they settled upon the ground, slowly forming the snow that carpeted the rocks. Then, footsteps came. Someone was climbing the mountain and had passed through the cave leading up to it, which was full of Grimm to ward off intruders, but he knew it wasn't Glynda this time, it was someone who had been tracking him for a long time; someone he had met before, he could tell from the feeling of his iniquitous Aura that poisoned the atmosphere as that person climbed up the final steps that led to the Blackbird's opening.

Spectre: "You are a hard man to find, Blackbird."

With no fear in him, the Blackbird turned around to face Spectre, the man he had originally thought to be dead twenty years ago. And yet, the fact that he was still alive came of no surprise to him.

Blackbird: "I knew you'd come."

Spectre: "And, I knew you'd interfere."

Blackbird: "What do you want? As if I have to ask."

Spectre: "Well, I certainly didn't travel all the way up this mountain just for a chat. I came here to collect what is rightfully mine. Give me the Relic of Choice, Blackbird."

Blackbird: "The Relic of Choice?"

Spectre: "Don't play dumb, Blackbird! I know all about you and Glynda's little scheme. So, give it to me."

Blackbird: "Tell you what, Spectre. You can have the Relic of Choice when you pry it from my cold dead fingers."

Spectre: "If you insist. Who am I to turn down a death wish? Besides, this might send the two of us on a little nostalgia trip, seeing each other's styles and strategies again after all this time. It'll be a rematch after you defeated me in the final round of the Vytal Festival. Remember that? Because I certainly do."

Blackbird: "Of course, I remember. I also remember the fear in your eyes when the authorities came to take you away. Remember that?"

Spectre: "... Yes, I do. That's another thing that I'll never forgive you for."

Blackbird: "You've brought this upon yourself, Spectre, there's no use blaming me."

Spectre: "You just keep telling yourself that, traitor. Hm, I'll tell you another thing I can remember. The only reason you managed to "kill me" that night you blew up my ship was because you had the strength of your teammates to help you. Well, they can't help you now. Revenant hasn't been seen in years, Glynda's nowhere around and Ozpin, well, let's just say you won't be seeing him ever again."

Blackbird: "Spectre-"

Spectre: "I destroyed Ozpin in the Battle of Beacon. I would've preferred to have fought him myself but one of my ex-associates beat me to it."

The Blackbird wasn't shocked, just sad; he knew about Ozpin's death. He was fighting to hold back his tears as Spectre took off one of his gloves and showed him his emblem mark that was engraved on the back of his right hand, which soon changed to Ozpin's emblem as he activated his Semblance.

Blackbird: "Ozpin..."

Spectre: "I suppose it was an act of mercy. If he couldn't even manage to defeat the Fall Maiden, what could he have possibly done to me?"

As soon as Spectre said that and put his glove back on, the Blackbird clenched his fists in anger. Normally, he would show as little emotion as possible but Spectre was one who could test anyone's limits, even his.

RWBY: Broken Skies (RWBY Male Reader Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz