Volume 10, Chapter 3 - "Critical Mission"

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(No one's P.o.V)

With every day that passed, Spectre's mystery illness grew worse and worse and his team was starting to notice it. They may have been acolytes in Salem's Inner Circle and now the governing body of Remnant after the rise of the Sovereign Empire, but above all, they prided themselves on the strength of their bond of partnership and trust. However, Spectre would not let anyone try to find out what was wrong with him, determined that he could create an antidote to his illness inside his laboratory. But soon, he grew too ill to continue his work and he had to put his practicing of chemistry on hold to focus on the war. Despite being told to leave the situation alone by his emperor, Afton could not stand to see Spectre in such a bad condition and decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew that Spectre would be furious with him for disobeying a direct order but he could not just do nothing. He decided to travel to one of the robot factories in Atlas to see if Watts had any sort of device that could cure Spectre's illness. Technically, he was not supposed to be there as the factory was also Watts' personal research lab; only he had permission to grant access to anyone. Nevertheless, Afton, with his arrogance telling himself that a councilman on the Sovereign Assembly would be allowed to go anywhere, used his Scroll to open the main door and entered the factory. As he traversed the white-walled, sci-fi-like factory, he saw several chambers with different types of robots inside that were currently in development: soldiers, vehicles, even massive battle suits!

Afton: "Damn, Spectre was right, this is a little bit of overkill. Arthur needs to chill."

He continued down the corridors until he came to the main terminal, which allowed its user to access the files of every device that was being developed in the factory. Afton knew the password as it was made communal among the Sovereign Assembly, although only Watts ever had any need for it. He started to scroll through the long list of robotic devices until he came to the medical category. If a machine that could cure Spectre was anywhere, it would have been there. However, he noticed a particular file with a name that made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. It was named "Nanobot Weapon".

Afton: "What the?"

Afton clicked on the file and opened it. A holographic screen was projected in front of him. It had a video window and a play button and a pause button underneath it. He pressed the play button and stood back to watch. However, he leaned in closer once the video started playing. First, it displayed a tiny spider-like robot, about the size of a finger, and many many other "nanobots", as they were called in the video. Next, it showed multiple methods of administering these nanobots to the human body, including injection or spiking a drink. Then, it displayed a diagram of these nanobots latching onto the body's white blood cells and slowly dissolving them! And additionally, it showed a black cell, a Grimm cell, being made powerless to stop it as it was neutralised by a silver laser! After that, it showed that these nanobots were equipped with a device that mimicks the power of the Silver Eyes, which Watts had learnt about from studying Ruby, although to a lesser extent but just enough to stop the Grimm cells from repairing the white blood cells. It was a biological weapon which prevented the body from fighting off viruses and diseases until even the common cold becomes fatal!

Afton: "Hold on..."

Afton suddenly realised that this must have been the reason why Spectre was so ill. Watts had been inserting these nanobots into Spectre's bloodstream through food and drink! All of a sudden, the screen went red and locked Afton out of the system! Then, the phrase "INTRUDER ALERT" was displayed on the screen and an alarm began to sound on the speakers above! Afton gasped as the spider-like security robots all around him activated!

Security Robot: "Intruder Alert! Penalty: Termination."

Afton: "What on Remnant-?!"

One of the robots suddenly lunged at Afton but he quickly ignited his Dust blade from his ring, Zodiac, and impaled the robot before throwing it aside! The other robots began to shoot at him with their Dust cannons but Afton used his Semblance to put up an Aura shield around his body, which absorbed all the Dust bullets. Then, he used his Aura to blast spheres of energy at the robots, causing them to explode on impact! However, more and more robots kept on coming! Afton fought as hard as he could to escape but there were just too many robots for him to handle on his own. It seemed that with every robot he destroyed, two more showed up to take its place! One of the robots suddenly jumped and clung onto Afton's back, stabbing at him with its electric taser!

RWBY: Broken Skies (RWBY Male Reader Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz