Volume 10, Chapter 6 - "Graduation Duel"

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(Cinder Fall's P.o.V)

The metallic blades of Midnight and Passionate Ace clashed against each other violently! A few days after I had taken care of Tyrian at The Wall, I decided to return to my duties as a teacher and (BF/N)'s master and continue training my apprentice. I must say, he was progressing much further than I thought he would. He had far exceeded my expectations from when I first started training him. Now, he could easily keep up with me in terms of swordsmanship. Whether he would be able to give me a good challenge at full power was another matter, though. I did not think he was ready for that just yet. Nevertheless, (BF/N) persisted and quickly took control of the fight, continuously slashing and striking at Midnight to keep me on my toes. I ducked under his blade and rolled to the side, drawing Midnight's bowstring and firing a barrage of arrows using the arrow-duplication glyph technique that I used against Tyrian. (BF/N) transformed Passionate Ace into its Shield Form and blocked the arrows that were coming his way before transforming it back into its Blade Form and charging straight at me! I fired a ball of flame at him but he just backhanded it away! I was met with a blow to my chest and the force pushed me back onto a tree; I perched myself on one of the branches. I jumped up and made it rain with fireballs; (BF/N) backflipped away. We both rushed in with our blades at the ready. I was the one to strike first, then (BF/N) once he blocked my attack. We continued exchanging slashes and stabs from our weapons before I saw an opening. I slashed one of Midnight's blades across the air, which (BF/N) instinctively ducked under, and forcefully kicked him away with a shunt to his chest! He got up but I held out my hand to stop him.

Cinder: "That's enough for tonight."

I returned Midnight onto my back in its bow form while (BF/N) folded away Passionate Ace. He bowed to me in respect after our sparring match. I smiled and nodded, crossing my arms.

Cinder: "Your training is nearly complete, (BF/N)."

(BF/N): "R-Really? Are you saying I can graduate soon?!"

I don't know why but for some strange, unknown reason, the sound of that last question really bothered me. I felt myself slumbering into a silent state of internal depression when the thought of my apprentice finally finishing his training and... leaving me occurred to me. What I could not understand was why it saddened me so much. I never thought I would get so emotional at this stage of his training. Perhaps it was because he was my first student? Or, maybe... no, that's not it. I sighed and continued.

Cinder: "Soon. You still have some way to go before then, though."

(BF/N): "Oh."

Cinder: "So, don't think you're going to be getting some special treatment because you're about to finish training under me!"

(BF/N): "I didn't. As blunt and brutal as ever, you are."

Cinder: "So what? Even if my training methods are harsh and unfair, they still work."

(BF/N): "Yeah, they do... they certainly do. I mean, look at me. Who could've ever predicted that I would make it this far? And, I have you to thank for that. I just..."

Cinder: "What?"

(BF/N): "I just can't believe it's all coming to an end so soon... I... I really enjoyed my time with you, Cinder. I really appreciate it."

Cinder: "I-I mean... it doesn't have to end. We can still spar with each other."

(BF/N): "Y-Yeah, true. But... for what it's worth... w-we made a good team, didn't we? You and I?"

Something was trying to break free deep inside of me. I held it back, though. I was scared of it. I turned my head to the side, not wanting to keep eye contact with him.

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