Volume 3, Chapter 5 - "What's Worth More Than Glory?"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

(Y/N): "NO!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Ryan, Christine and Brady were all agreed on letting me advance in the Vytal Festival Tournament! In my opinion, they had to be mental to even consider it! Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't as useless as I once was. By Earthling standards, I had come a long way from where I started but I still wasn't even close to their levels! I did have a tiny bit of experience in manipulating my Aura to activate Dust or heal minor wounds but it took WAY too long to even consider using it in combat! I honestly couldn't think of a reason why they would choose me. Meanwhile, the three of them just stood in front of me with innocent smiles on their faces, almost taunting me.

(Y/N): "Why?!"

Ryan: "Because we said so?"

Christine: "The reason is that there's always next year for us. However, you might not be here next year."

I almost choked on my own breath when she said that! I don't think she really thought that out. Luckily, Brady explained that the meaning behind that last sentence wasn't what I thought it was.

Brady: "What Christine is trying to say, little buddy, and making a right mess of it, is that you might not be here next year because you might find a way back to your planet somehow. We don't know that for sure, though. Could take us a year, could take us ten years. We don't know. We just don't want you to miss out on the opportunity."

Ryan: "And, the fact that we had already decided this last night while you were asleep."

(Y/N): "I swear that you guys just like seeing me ducking and weaving my way around impending danger... but thanks for the gesture. Good intentions but bad execution of them!"

Christine: "Another reason being that out of us, you're the better tactician. Plus, you got one of the highest grades when we got our biome homework back and, with the arena now having four biomes instead of two, that knowledge is something we're gonna need."

(Y/N): "... Okay, fair point. But, if that's so, Christine, I want you with me."

When I told her this, I saw her glance over to Ryan, who had slumped his head down a little, obviously disheartened that he would not be continuing. Then, she said something that I did not like but I respected her for doing it.

Christine: "No thanks."

Ryan: "Huh?!"

Christine: "Let Ryan go in with you."

Ryan: "Me? But, Kris, you're much stronger than I am. Why should I go?"

Christine: "There are some things that must come before winning. You've wanted to participate in the Vytal Festival for God knows how long, I even remember you going on and on about it back in Sanctum. Besides... like we said before... I suppose there's always next year."

I could tell from the pause in her speech that she wanted to advance in the tournament but she still gave it up to Ryan so that she could grant his wish. I couldn't tell whether it was her dropping a hint or that she was just doing it out of kindness but, either way, it was so adorable to watch!

Ryan: "Wow... thanks, Kris."

(Y/N): "Oh, that is SO sweet!"

Just then, Christine gave me a death glare and started reaching for her katana. I gulped in terror.

(Y/N): "Uh-oh... um... is it too late for sorry?"

Later that day...

RWBY: Broken Skies (RWBY Male Reader Insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora