[a genius idea]

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Y/N stood at the desert section at the market. Hmm...Coffee jelly or something else? Homemade even?  She stood there pondering for a while, ignoring the crowd of suitors behind her. Y/N decided to buy two small cakes along with some whipped cream.

"Thank you for purchasing! That will be 1650 yen!" the cashier said cheerfully. Amazed by her good fortune with the nice cashier, since all she's ever met were toxic ones after her beauty or plain jealous Karens, she paid and left for house to execute her plan.

at home...

Okay, now what to wear? I got the gift and now I just need to pick out an outfit. She decided to wear a t-shirt, a jacket, and some denim shorts.

 She decided to wear a t-shirt, a jacket, and some denim shorts

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^ just an example. make it however you want!

Afterwards, she (straightened/curled) her hair and put on some eyeliner. Y/N went to her kitchen and made 2 quick batches of coffee jelly. She put them in a container and then into the plastic bag with the cakes and whipped cream.

She knew where Saiki's house was, because of the day he dragged her to his house. Of course, she'll know his address after being so forcefully coming there. Y/N shortly arrived and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Saiki answered.

"Ah! L/N-chan, please come in!" she exclaimed. Y/N bowed politely and came inside the Saiki residence and went at their dining table. 'Yare yare, why are you here?' To bring you coffee jelly and other sweets. In an instant, Saiki was standing right next to you.

The doorbell rang. Who could that be?

Jesus, I had to perform a concert after traveling 😭 I wrote this all at 9 PM on the same day I performed. you're welcome 🙄 I had to wake up at like 6 after having to wake up every 3 hours and then literally practice for 6 hours non-stop. it's very grueling for vocal chords 💀 I can't even talk anymore- well I hope I was able to finish this in time in case your boredom hasn't dropped yet. thanks!

🎀𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭🎀Saiki Kusuo x f!Y/N🌹🍮Where stories live. Discover now