[the date]

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Y/N and Saiki finally get to the cafe after a long period of silence.

She looks up to see the name of the cafe. Wait...it's the same one that Kaneko works at!

"Saiki, I have two questions," Y/N said suddenly.

'Go ahead.'

Y/N looked at him with mild annoyance. "One, couldn't you have told me where we went sooner? Like, why'd you have to keep this place a secret?" she asked.

'Element of surprise.'

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Moving on. Two, why here?"

'...I like the coffee jelly.'

"YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE???" Y/N screamed.

Heads turned everywhere, and Y/N turned red. "Forget it. Let's just go in..." she said quietly.

They sat down at a table for two and picked up their menus.

"You've been here before? A lolita cafe?!" Y/N whisper-yelled.

'I just wanted nearby coffee jelly.'

Y/N raised her eyebrow. "I doubt that, Kusuo," she said with suspicion, but didn't push the matter any further.

Y/N spotted Kaneko walk out of the kitchen and approach a different table. Y/N waved at her and she waved back.

 Kaneko gave her a thumbs-up for good luck, and it made Y/N feel more at ease.

Another waitress came soon, and they ordered their food.

"Can I take your orders?" the waitress said cheerfully.

"I'll have an iced coffee and a red bean bun, please," Y/N decided.

Saiki with his love of sweets said, 'Two coffee jellies.'

"We'll be out with your food shortly," the waitress said as she left.

Y/N leaned her head onto her hand and smiled. "You really do love coffee jelly, don't you?" she teased.


"Then I'll be sure to make plenty of it for you," Y/N said airily.

Saiki's POV

At that moment, Saiki realized why he admired Y/N so much. She actually cared about his wellbeing, and his likes and dislikes.

No matter how many times he read her mind, her feelings for him had never changed.

"I know you're reading my mind, Kusuo," Y/N said in an annoyed tone. "Can't we just talk like normal people?"

'I prefer talking like this.'

"C'mon, I sound like I'm talking to myself!" Y/N complained.

'I wasn't reading your mind anyway.'

Y/N infuriated him sometimes. He began to wonder once more why the hell he liked her in the first place.

'Yare yare. You annoy me so much sometimes,' Saiki told her fondly.

Y/N grinned and took his hand. "I know I do. That's why you like me, right?" she laughed.

Saiki was unable to answer because the food came out right at that moment.

Saiki smiled. 'It's like Iida is the chef, right?'

"Shut up. I wanna eat," Y/N snapped.

They ate their food in comfortable silence. Until Saiki snatched her coffee and drank from it.

"Hey, if you wanted a drink you could've ordered one!" Y/N pouted.

Although her mind said differently. "Did...Kusuo just drink from my coffee? Isn't that an indirect kiss?"

'I appreciate how you use my first name when you think about me.'

Y/N blushed violently. "Shut up!"

After they had eaten, Saiki paid for the food bill. It was a long argument with Y/N, but Saiki had insisted on it and paid for it before Y/N did.

They walked back in complete silence until Y/N got to her home.

"I could've paid for it, Kusuo," she said angrily.

'Too late.'

Y/N's cheeks turned pink. "Thank you...This was fun, I guess," she mumbled. She walked into her home and closed the door.

Saiki teleported into his room and laid down on his bed.

I wish I could've done better than some measly indirect kiss.

(A/N: Well, this is my last chapter for a long time. I hope I left it on a good note. Thank you for reading! See you in a while.)

Love, straight_a_sian.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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