more hiatus...

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Jesus fucking christ I'm so so so sorry.

I know that some of you actually enjoy this book and it's been my greatest creation out of all of my past wattpad accounts. I hate to say it, but I'm going to be stopping even more now. The last two chapters were made while I had the coronavirus and I was permitted to be accompanied by a laptop that, thankfully, had not blocked Wattpad with parental controls so I could write in secret.

To tell the truth, my family don't support the fact I like to do online authoring. I do agree with the fact that it distracts me from my schoolwork, but it's just an escape from how stressful my life is already. My family don't support the fact I'm on various social media platforms either. I'm constantly trying to get around finding any opened device I can find so I can be with my online friends and writing for you all. And actually, it's mostly to write.

While I had corona, I never came to the fact that, "Oh, I won't be able to do this soon. I'll be done with corona and rarely ever see my lovely readers again." I never came to the conclusion of that. Now that I only have two days left until I leave my room, I just got to that. Writing this chapter, I'm literally on the verge of tears. I'll miss this writing screen so much and to think I won't be able to see it again in a really long time pains me.

I absolutely adore writing for you and seeing that you vote on my chapters and adding my story to your reading lists always make me cry with happiness. I love seeing how you actually appreciate it and it's always so reassuring to me that I'm not writing for nothing. I've never felt any stress while writing so I've enjoyed it. I love writing and this story is one among few other things keeping me sane and happy.

This book and you all mean a lot to me. I love you all so so so so so much and I can't ever repay you with your past patience and the fact you're still reading. I'm not even able to express how much I care about you and how much it hurts me I can't do anything about it.

Now that you all know the truth, I hope you understand. Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye for a long time.

🎀𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭🎀Saiki Kusuo x f!Y/N🌹🍮Where stories live. Discover now