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Y/N woke up like any other school day, got ready like every other day, and walked to PK Academy like every school day. She remembered to wear the little hair pins that Saiki got for her. Smiling like a goof, she walked lightheartedly to Class 3.

She found Saiki on the way to class. "Good morning, Kusuo," she said cheerily.

Everyone looked at her in shock and started to whisper to one another.

"Did she just use his first name?"

"And without an honorific!"

"She's wearing matching hair pins!"

"His first name?"

"Why him?"

Saiki looked down sheepishly. 'Their thoughts are brutal. You attract too much attention.' He looked at Y/N in a sort of disapproving manner.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "What's wrong with a little attention now and then?" she whispered to him. "Besides, I don't think Teruhashi will run after you anymore. Look, her face is all red and pinched."

Y/N looked her way and gave a content smile.

Teruhashi's POV:

What? HER? Teruhashi was fuming.

The world was supposed to revolve around her. Not this L/N girl!

In any case, Teruhashi was not supposed to look mad. Her face would get frown lines if she was. Meaning she had to act completely supportive of L/N and Saiki. It was her duty to act like a perfect beauty.

"Wow, congrats, Saiki-kun! I can't believe you would even be interested in a pig like L/N, but good for you!" she said sweetly. Hmph. If Saiki thinks that I think she's a pig, he might leave her for me!

The school stared at her with mouths agape.

W-What? Did I say something wrong?

L/N pretended to look hurt. "Gosh, you guys. Teruhashi-san just called me a pig! How rude of her!" She gave a little smirk to Teruhashi.

Teruhashi clamped her hands over her mouth. Damn it. I talked too much. She started to use her trick to win the school over once again.

Angel Tears!

Everyone rolled their eyes. Did Angel Tears not work?

She started to truly tear up. "Damn you, L/N!" she screamed and ran away.

Back to Y/N's POV

I. . .did not expect that. Y/N stared in shock as Teruhashi fled the scene.

'Thanks, Y/N. She's been going after me since I the beginning of the school year. Yare yare, she's been quite the pain.' Saiki gave Y/N a smile of gratitude.

Y/N blushed. She still wasn't quite used to hearing her first name from Saiki. "You're welcome," she mumbled.

'I see you're wearing the hair pins.'

Y/N turned a deeper shade of red. "Yeah...I did. You don't mind?" she asked.

'I gave them to you for a reason. They look nice on you.'

Y/N then snatched his hand. "C'mon, Kusuo, let's walk to class. I think we're late," she said with a smile.

'Sure. Maybe a little attention isn't too bad.'

🎀𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭🎀Saiki Kusuo x f!Y/N🌹🍮Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz