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Y/N sat down on her bed, fighting the urge to bite her nails. She had been up since 8 A.M. and ready to leave since 9 A.M. When the hell is Saiki going to come?

Kusuo ☕

I read your mind.

I'll come soon, don't worry.

Y/N <33

You creep

But okay

Y/N exhaled a sigh of relief. Finally! Some information. She was hungry, but at this point, she didn't mind waiting.

Then she remembered something

Y/N <33


Where are we even going???

Kusuo ☕

To my basement.

Y/N <33


Did you just make a joke? 🗿

I still wanna know where the hell we're going

Kusuo ☕


We're just getting breakfast.

Y/N <33


Kusuo ☕

Someplace you like.

Y/N <33

I like a lot of places

At least tell me the name 🥺

Kusuo ☕


That little!-

Y/N stopped herself. It's completely normal to have surprises. She shouldn't push it any further.

So she laid on her bed and went on (whatever kind of social media you like) to entertain herself.

Saiki's POV

Yare yare...what a pain.

He was regretting every decision he had made thus far. It was a corny place to go eat breakfast, and the outfit he was wearing was also corny too. He buried his face into his hands. I'd never felt so stressed before.

Y/N...why did you have to do this to me?

He sighed heavily. As someone who had grown up knowing every person in existence inside and out, he had never found someone he truly admired. 

Every other person he had met was...problematic. Except Y/N. She was someone he knew that he could depend on.

For coffee jelly, of course.

Because that's what it all started with. Coffee jelly. One thing led to another, and somehow he was smitten over this one girl who happened to be so much more than coffee jelly.

Then he stopped himself from thinking. He was acting like a low-quality romance anime on TV.

So he decided to finally get Y/N and stop her from waiting.


Saiki appeared suddenly in front of Y/N. She yelped slightly, still not that used to Saiki appearing out of thin air.

Y/N looked at his outfit, then looked back at hers. She blushed slightly. We're matching...

(insert a really cute couple outfit because I can't use photos for some reason 😭)

"Uhm, did you read my mind to choose your outfit?" Y/N joked.

.  .  .

"Never mind, don't tell me," she said quickly. "Where are we going?"

'Let me just take you there.' Saiki held out his hand, inviting Y/N to take it.

Reluctantly, she placed her hand onto his and they walked to the mystery place Saiki was taking her to. I guess it is close by if we're walking.

The walk was awkward. Neither of them knew how to strike up a conversation.

It was a few minutes before Saiki decided to talk. 'You're nervous.'

Y/N snorted. "How could you tell?" she teased.

'I can't understand why.'

Y/N tilted her head to the side. "It's my first date, and all. How could I not be nervous?"

Saiki shrugged. 'I don't know. You're...different. It's like barely anything fazes you sometimes, and other times, you get worked up over the dumbest things.'

Y/N flushed with embarrassment. "I don't think this is dumb!" she retorted.

Saiki stopped walking. 'Well, why do you act like this?'

"Because I like you, idiot..."

'I already knew that.'

.  .  .

This is awkward...

🎀𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭🎀Saiki Kusuo x f!Y/N🌹🍮Where stories live. Discover now