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a little reminder that all speech in italic is german whether it is written in english or not!


"why is your phone buzzing so much?" heidi questioned thea, her eyes widened slightly as she handed a cup of coffee to the customer.

"danke!" the customer thanked before smiling and exiting the little cafe.

thea tapped the screen of her phone, sighing with annoyance when she read the name 'made in chelsea : football edition' pop onto her lockscreen."when i was on my break these random people accidentally added me to this groupchat because they typed in the wrong number."

"didn't you leave it?" heidi asked, letting her blonde her out of its low ponytail.

"i did but they clearly loved me so much that they added me back," the brunette spoke sarcastically, strolling over to the sign at the door, flipping it so it read 'closed' to anybody outside the cafe.

"do you have any idea who they were?" heidi asked her best friend again.

"nein," thea shook her head, taking her and heidi's apron and hanging it on the hooks behind the counter.  

"what if they were cute boys?!" the blonde squealed.

"probably not," bea said bitterly. "there were 2 germans on the chat. the rest were annoying english people. one german was absolutely stupid - he's the one that added me - and the other was quite sweet and apologetic."

heidi raised an eyebrow, packing away the cakes and other little deserts that were on display, "dang girl, i can't wait to be the maid of honour at the wedding!"

"nonsense," thea said, dismissing the conversation before turning towards the cook in the kitchen, "emil are you sure you're okay to close up?"

the young boy - 15 years old to be exact - nodded eagerly. he had only started working at the cafe recently, wanting to get some real life experience.

"danke, danke!" heidi thanked, before gripping onto thea's arm, half dragging her out of the cafe, "come on T, let's go!"

they rushed out of the cafe but thea couldn't help but glance back and look at it, the sign reading 'becker's cafe'. it was a family cafe going back decades and decades.

most of thea's childhood was inside this cafe; from when she was beginning to walk and knocked a bag of flour onto her great grandpa, to when she was a young child and her mother taught her how to bake, even to the recent few years when her father found her and heidi stealing the chocolate angel cake from the pantry the night before her 18 birthday - not that he minded that much.

and now thea ran the cafe, her mum having passed away 5 years ago and her dad being too old to work full time. heidi - her best friend since they were little - worked alongside her every single day. of course there were other employees but every single customer knew of thea and heidi.

"hurry up slow coach!"

"ja ja, i'm coming"


"papa, i'm home!" thea called out, closing and locking the door before sliding off her shoes and chucking the keys into the little bowl on the shelf on the wall. on the walk home she dropped heidi off to her house as usual, and then carried on until she reached her own house.

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