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aliyah was hungry and angry.

and one thing worse then a hungry aliyah or angry aliyah, was a hangry aliyah.

her date weekend had gotten off to a good start: they had been to the cinema, crazy golf and had even been on the london eye on the previous evening.

but this night ruined everything.

they had order drinks; aliyah got a cider and the other girl god a rum and coke. and then just before they were about to order dinner a man showed up at their table. that man happened to be the girl's boyfriend. absolutely livid, aliyah had stormed out of the resturant and went straight to her hotel room to check out early before getting the tube back to chelsea.

once aliyah reached the floor where her and thea's flat was, she walked towards it, however there was a frown on her face. there were two men standing there. the man on the outside she recognised to be kai, and the one on the inside was... ben chilwell?

she traipsed towards the door, smiling at the thought that the german boy had come to spend time with thea. the two brunette boys halted in their apparent heated conversation. they shared a look before glancing at the brown girl.

" you want an autograph or a picture or something?" kai asked through gritted teeth, clearly irritated.

aliyah frowned, insulted. "um no. i live here."

kai's eyes widened in realisation that he was speaking to aliyah, mentally face palming that he hadn't recognised one of thea's best friends.

she glanced at ben, gesturing for him to move out the way who immediately did, tripping to the side. the two men were left embarressed as aliyah walked into the flat. the british girl was confused but shrugged it off for now.

thea was nowhere to be seen in the lounge so she assumed the german was in her room.

"i'm back bitch," she called out, walking into thea's room, the door having been left ajar.

"aliyah?" thea frowned, currently sitting on the edge of her bed with a pot or takeaway stirfry. "why are you back so today? i swear you said you were coming back tomorrow?"

"yeah about that..." the brown girl trailed off, slipping off her shoes and bag, "she actually has a boyfriend.

"what the fuck?!"

"yep," aliyah nodded, "i know. exactly. he came up to us and she acted like we were old friends having a catch up. friends?"

"damn i can't believe it," thea shook her head, "i'm so sorry ali."

"it's whatever," she shrugged, leaning forward to pick up the second box of stir fry that was on the table.

"hey!" thea scolded, slapping aliyah's hand away, "that one's ben's! your one is in the kitchen. i was letting it cool off before i put it in the fridge, because...well i assumed you would have eaten at your date."

"wait you got me stirfry?"

"yeah, of course," thea frowned.

aliyah squeeled running into the kitchen, and the running back with her box.

"oh we also got some spring rolls too," thea added, passing aliyah a fork, "but the delivery person or whoever forgot them. actually i think the delivery guy is at the door, well i would assume so... actually chilly has taken quite a while out there. did you see anything when you came in?"

"what are you on, mate?" aliyah pulled a confused face through a mouthful of noodles.

"y' the door?"

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