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"thea just think about it-"

"nein, didi."

"but please! if you-"

"this is the third time i've said no heidi!" thea snapped at her best friend  "take the hint please.

heidi huffed, crossing her arms across her chest. "ok fine. i'll shut up if you give me one good reason why you can't. why it would be such a terrible reason to apply."

for multiple weeks now, heidi had been meaning the idea of thea applying to a culinary university. the brunette didn't see it, but she could see that her current passion lied within cooking - not baking.

and now, the two were at thea's house chilling, thea sat cross legged on her bed and heidi sat swinging around on her desk chair.

"i-i....uh," thea tripped over her words trying to think of a good enough answer, "i can't leave my dad. i can't leave the bakery. i can't leave you."

the blonde shook her head almost immediately. "first, your dad isn't all by himself. he has friends and his family in stuttgart. second, i literally run half the bakery too and we have other employees and we could just employ more if we needed to. third, you would make friends and its not as if you'd be disappearing forever."

thea exhaled loudly. there was some truth in what her best friend said. sighing, she rubbed her temple, holding her head in her hands as she thought.

the idea had played on her mind for a while. of course the idea of going to uni had been amazing to her, but it was forever expected that she would run the bakery. she didn't mind that and she was still grateful for it, but it never left room for any other aspirations.

"i don't think i would be able to afford it either," thea mumbled. that was the worst part about it.

"yes you could."

thea looked up from her hands to give heidi the most bizarre look ever. "how?"

"well first there's a student loan - which will be of a higher amount as you have a single parent," heidi explained, "you literally never spend your money on anything so you must have loads in your savings account. all the money you earn from the bakery goes back into the bakery so it wouldn't be wrong to take some funds out of that. its not as if becker's cafe is going bankrupt."

thea stared at her best friend with wide eyes, taking in eveything that she had just said. "you've really done your research, huh?"

"i want you to be happy T," heidi expressed, "i want you to do the thing that you love. the thing that you're passionate about."

thea flopped onto her bed, rolling over and smushing her face into her pillow while groaning.

"it won't hurt to try," heidi offered, encouragingly, "you don't have to apply for loads. just two or three."

thea contemplated it for a few minutes as she clamped her eyes shut
after a long few minutes she blurted out an answer. "fine. i'll do it."

and she did.

she actually did it.

she ended up applying to three university. one in germany, one in belgium and one in england.

she chose the institute of culinary art (ICA) in germany as it was the closest, provisional institute (PIVA) in belgium as it was the cheapest and the university of culinary arts of london (UCAL) in england because it offered the best course.

and she couldn't believe she was agreeing with heidi hut her best friend was right: it was worth a shot.

this chapter is
exactly 600 words
(without the authors
note) which makes me
so happy. #aesthetic

hope you enjoyed this
chapter which plays a
VERY key role in this
fic ;)

this extra update is to
heal any wounds from
that ucl match. fucking
hell. still so proud of how
the boys played, just wish
it ended differently. there
will still be the regular
update tomorrow too!

as for now i will be crying
myself to sleep xoxo

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