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kai slotted his keys into his pocket as he jogged up the 2 flights of stairs to thea's flat. once he reached the flat door he knocked lightly on the door.

he tensed, his eyesbrows furrowing when he saw another boy open the door.

"uh..." kai trailed off, beginning to think he got the wrong door, "is thea here?"

the boy nodded. "yeah she's just in her room."

there was a brief moment of awkward silence.

"do you-uh, wanna come in?" the boy asked, gesturing inside.

kai nodded, stepping inside with his hands in his pockets.

"i'm aliyah's cousin by the way," the boy nodded, playing with the drawstrings of his hoodie, "y'know thea's roomate aliyah? yeah...i'm her cousin, so-um, yeah."

kai nodded in realisation, his shoulders deflating in relief that he wasn't random boy. the german boy licked his lips, mentally screaming at thea to hurry the hell up and save him from this awkward situation.


"i don't even know what to say to him," thea sighed exasperatedly, putting her earings in as she spoke to heidi on the phone.

"nothing," heidi spoke at the other end of the line, "don't bring it up."

"yeah but that's weird," thea crinkled her nose, "he's going to think i don't care then."

"well you don't,"  heidi spoke bluntly.

there was a pause from thea's end of the line.


the brunette girl could almost picture the scolding look on her best friend's face.

"don't listen to the stupid news article, okay?" heidi almost demanded.

"fine," thea mumbled, "but-"

"but what dorothea alice becker?"

thea sighed, sitting down on her bed next to her bag. she fiddled with the tassle as she mumbled her next words, almost afraid to say it out loud.

"but what if... i wanted the article to be true?"

there was a knock on the door, disrupting thea from her conversation with heidi.

"can i come in?" she heard a familiar male voice from outside the door.

"yeah, you can aaryan," thea called out to aliyahs cousin before quickly blurting into the speakerphone, "okay i've got to go, kai's here to pick me up for timo's birthday party. bye!"

"this conversation isn't over-"

there was a beep as thea hung up. exhaling, she stood up, slinging her bag onto her shoulder.

"you left me standing there with your boyfriend in awkward silence for 10 minutes and you've been on the phone!" aaryan explained, narrowing his eyes playfully.

"oh woe is me," thea rolled her eyes, "and he's not my boyfriend."

"not yet anyway," aaryan smirked.

thea first met aaryan a month after moving into the flat with aliyah. at the time, she didn't realise that seeing her roomate's cousin would be such a regular occurance. but since aaryan was the same age as thea and went to university in london, the 20 year old brown boy visited the flat once or twice a month.

currently, aaryan was just chilling while aliyah had gone to tesco to grab a few snacks before the two watched a film.

"you're wrong," thea huffed as he held the door to her room open for her to walk out.

"well you like him and he's practiclly in love with you so-"

"quiet!" thea whisper shouted, "he's gonna hear you."

"no he's not," the brown boy chuckled, "lover boy is standing near the entrance, wallowing in self pity without you."

thea just glared again as they walked down the hallway to the front door.

"sorry about the wait kai, i was finishing getting ready," thea lied with a smile.

the brunette boy looked up from his phone with a small grin on his face. "that's okay, don't worry."

"bye aaryan, will i see you later?" thea asked, openeing the front door.

"of course! can't get rid of me that easily."

"great," she sighed in fake despair.

kai gave the brown boy an awkward goodbye smile as the two left for timo's house.


kai and thea were greeted with paula, timo's girlfriend, opening the door.

"hey!" the blonde girl greeted them, gesturing for the two to come inside. "how are you guys!"

"good thank you!"

"yeah great, what about you?"

"good too thankyou," paula nodded, "great to see you again thea! feels like ages since i last saw you!"

"i know right!" thea spoke enthusiastically, giving her a quick hug, "how's the birthday boy?"

"probably has had one too many drinks already," kai smirked, imagining the scene as paula gave him a friendly hug.

paula burst into laughter. "surprisingly, no, he hasn't even had one yet. i told him to hold off until more people get here."

"good thinking!" kai grinned as him and thea followed her into the kitchen-diner where everybody else was.

there was only around 10 people there already, some of the chelsea boys with their girlfriends and other were people thea didn't recognise.

"the drinks station is over there," paula pointed to the right by the door to the conservetry, "you can help yourself."

"thank you!" thea smiled while kai nodded too. the two helped themselves to drinks, both sticking to soft drinks for know, nowing there would be plenty of opportunities for alcohol later on.


i don't know why
but it took agess
to come up with
an idea for this
chapter but after
i had thought of
one it literally
took half an hour
to write.

also i created
aaryan's character
on the whim and
i actually love him

also dw guys,
pt. 2 to timo's
bday party
is in the next
chapter ;)

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