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"merry christmas!"

thea yawned, stretching and sitting up on the bed of the guest bedroom whie aliyah came inside with a large smile on her face.

"merry christmas ali," thea said back, giving the girl a quick hug. "wait i got you something, don't move."

the german girl quickly jumped off the bed and opened her suitcase where there were 2 presents neatly wrapped.

"2 presents? gosh, arent i lucky," aliyah laughed before adding, "honestly you didn't have to get me anything let alone two things."

"oh shush and open it. open the big one first"

aliyah nodded, biting down on her bottom lip, doing as he friend suggested. she slowly opened it, gasping at what it was. "thea! she shrieked."


"this jumper is 80 fricking pounds!"

the jumper was one aliyah had wanted for a long time but had put off buying because of the price. it was phoebe bridgers merch and looked like one of the comfiest jumpers in the world.

"okay, open the next one now," thea gestured

aliyah picked it up: unlike the first present it was firmer and more compact. the brown girl was confused as to what it was. she ripped open the present, her heart warming at what she saw. it was  a small photo frame with a collage of some of the photos the two girls had. thea had wanted to give sentimental gift along with the merch.

"this is so cute," aliyahs awhed, "thank you so much, honestly."

she through her arms around her roomate and best friend, so grateful. "okay i'm going to get your presents now!" quickly, she ran back into her room and less than a minute later she was back with one present that was medium sized.

she passed it to thea, who was surprised by the weight of it. "okay, open it now," aliyah clapped her hands excitedly.

cautiously, thea ripped open the paper at the top. she did a double take.

"aliyah tailor..."

"before you say anything," the indian girl butted in, "i know it's not the newest model but-"

thea cut her off by bursting into tears.

"thea i'm so-"

the greman girl enveloped her roomate in the tightest hug ever. "i hate you so much," she spoke into her hair, her voice muffled.

she leanes back sighing, "i cannot belive you just bought me a brand new laptop.

previosuly in germany, she had shared a computer with her dad which also had old software and they couldn't afford new ones. now in england, she was still writing notes on pen and paper, with her phone that was 5 years old. she was even grateful for the airpords she got for her 17th birthday.

but now she had a laptop. with new softwares. and one she didn't have to share.

"it's nothing-"

"it is not nothing!" thea narrowed her eyes, "it's probably like a billion pounds!"

aliyah hummed, "well only £150-"

that earned a slap on the arm from thea.

"love you too," aliyah grinned


"any more, dear?" aliyah's mum asked thea, dishing out a second round of christmas dinner to the table.

after opening their own presents, thea and aliyah went downstairs and enjoyed a small breakfast with aliyah's parents and sister - amina. they exchanged more presents there, thea surprised to find the tailors had bought her a presents too. nevertheless, she was extremely grateful to say the least.

"oh, no thankyou!" thea smiled, lightly pushing her plate away, "i'm honestly stuffed but this was delicious. if i had more room then i woul defenitely have more!"

"oh thank you!" aliyah's mum smiled, putting the serving plate of turkey down on the table, "but that's totally okay honey. actually, you and ali can probably take some of the leftovers back to chelsea!"

"mum, i know how to cook," aliyah groaned, rolling her eyes as she finished her own plate of food.

"hmm if you say so," aliyah's mum answered before turning to thea again, "did i ever tell you the time when ali burnt a hole in the wall from our old toaster?"



thea waited patiently, licking her lips as she held her phone up to her ear, the dial tone ringing. after dinner, aliyah and thea went on a little walk, the brown girl showing the german one of all the little shops and boutiques nearby.

currently, thea was now standing by the patio of the house, aliyah having already gone inside, while she waited for heidi to answer her damn phone.


"finally bitch," thea grumbled in german.

heidi just laughed, "merry christmas to you too."

"merry christmas," thea sighed, "how's your day been?"

"yeah, good good. i feel like i know the whole script of elf by heart at this point. but yeah really good as usual. you?"

"yeah good too," thea replied. for some reason there was a weird atmosphere around this conversation. some part of thea was breaking inside, knowing she should be in germany for christmas right now.

"like i told you-uh, i'm with aliyah's family. so yeha it's really good, we did presents in the morning and then we just chilled and watched films until a few hours ago when we had dinner. me and aliyah just went on a walk then i-uh called yeah."

"oh nice! have you spoken to your dad yet?"

"oh yeah," thea answered with a small nod, "we called in the morning and then we've been messaging a bit throughout the day. i think i'm going to speak to him on the phone again once we've-uh finished our call.



there was a beat of silence.

"oh-i..uh also spoke to kai earlier today. he said he order a present for me to my flat so i'll see that when i get back to chelsea.

"oh really? nice."



there was another beat of silence.
"i-i miss you."

heidi's voice cracked as she spoke before she burst into sobs. thea sniffled too, feeling tears begin to gush out of her eyes too.

"i miss you so much too," thea choked, "sometimes i think i should come back to germany or maybe it would have been better if i just stayed at the bakery and-"

"no!" heidi cut her off, "absolutely not. no-no matter how much i want you back here, and that is really bad, you deserve to be at uni thea. and you've been working so hard now too. you cannot give that all up. i won't let you. i love you too much to let you."

now it was thea's turn to sob and now she could ever feel snot coming out of her nose. she loved that blonde german way too much to admit.

"chri-christmas eve wasn't the same without you," heidi admitted, finally managing to get words out.

thea sighed in agreement, wiping away her tears, "same here. but-but next year, i'll try and make it back for christmas."

"you better you ugly cow!" heidi threatened in an half-assed attempt.

the brunette girl giggled lightly, a weight lifted off her shoulders after that well needed conversation. "okay now tell me what presents you got."


tbh i ain't got
anything to say
sooo hope yous
have a
good day/night

the chelsea fc gc | kai havertzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz