enemies with benefits | foreword

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So, hey. As you may or may not have noticed, this story is currently being rewritten, along with every other story on my page. Like many others, it was first written years ago, back when my skills were subpar and I wrote without consequences. However, I soon came to realise my skills have improved and these stories deserved better writing, so here I am!

That's not to say this story is the best, or that the writing is magnificent. It is, however, better than it was in 2018, and that's what matters. I hope to all my new readers that you enjoy this story and to all the previous readers that you like the improvements. The story is still the same; the same message and points are still carried throughout. Though, the story now flows and the characters stay to who they are. Yeah, it took four years to achieve this.

Thank you very much for clicking on this story. I hope that you enjoy this book, whether you're new or a veteran reader. There will be new and old elements throughout, so I hope it makes the reading experience a little interesting.

So, yeah. See you on the flip side.



If any of the following makes you uncomfortable, feel free to click out:
Graphic descriptions of sex
• Curse words
• Loss of a parent
Underage drinking



Chapters released every Saturday starting 01/01/2022

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