enemies with benefits | 17

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Chapter Seventeen: Lovesick


Mike and I didn't sit at the diner for long once we were finished. We paid, and then left practically five minutes after that. I don't drive, and neither does Mike. However, instead of parting ways at the diner, he offered to walk me home, and I gladly took this offer.

The memory with Lily was tucked down to the furthest part of my brain. I was still thinking about it, and every time she walked past us in the diner, I worried she'd go against what she said and would reveal her findings to Mike. I felt like throwing up at the thought that somebody might know about Alexander and I; it might not seem like a big deal, but to me it was. It was the one guy I vowed to never get close to, let alone sleep with.

Mike was oblivious to it all - since Lily didn't really approach us much, he didn't say anything about her, or her link to me. I was thankful for this, as I was already panicking at the sight of her.

It felt like no time at all before we got to my house. Mike walked me to my door, and I didn't go in just yet. Instead, I faced him and smiled.

"Thanks for walking me home." I said. "It was really nice hanging out with you today."

"Yeah, it's been nice with you too. You're— you're a really nice girl, Kelsie. Today was fun." Mike said, smiling back at me. "And, uh, thanks for coming to this diner with me. None of my friends would likely want to come along, so you kind of did me a favour too."

"It's no problem. The drink was good."

Despite the fact that Lily worked there, it wasn't bad. But I didn't say anything about my qualms with one of the workers to Mike, and just watched as he nodded in acknowledgement then looked around, as if he was looking for something else to say.

I was about to say goodbye and step into my house when he decided to speak. "We're still on for hanging out this Saturday, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, of course."

It could have been just my imagination, but it looked like his smile brightened slightly. And then, when neither of us said anything, Mike took that as his cue to wave goodbye to me and began walking away.

I unlocked my door and was about to step in when I decided to turn my head around to take one final glance at him. Perfect timing too, as that was when he decided to do the same. With an awkward final wave, we parted ways, and I let the door shut behind me as I stepped into my house.

In my elated mood, I hardly noticed how Gina stepped into the hall and clasped her hands in joy.

"You're home! I was just about to text you to ask when you'd be back. Your friend is here. In the living room." Gina said, gesturing to the arch where the room was hidden behind.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. Daisy had gone home after I left to see Mike - had she come back? It was a bit strange, considering she knew I'd be out for a while. And she was likely going home to talk to Tyler.

"Daisy's back?" I asked, confused.

Gina smiled. "Oh, not Daisy. It's your old middle school friend - Alexander, he said his name was. I haven't seen the boy in years!"

No way. No fucking way. Surely he wasn't here, at my house, where he'd spoken to Gina and made it known that we were still talking.

Despite my reservations, of course.

I immediately sauntered into the living room. And there, I was horrified by the dirty-blonde boy sitting on my couch, watching TV like nothing was wrong. Like he hadn't just come to my house unannounced and made himself comfortable, inserting himself into a talk I know my dad would give me when he heard a boy came over to see me.

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