enemies with benefits | 3

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Chapter Three: Drunk Dancing


"I change my mind." I said as the loud music blared in my ears. "I want to go home."

Daisy looked horrified, as if I just suggested something entirely outlandish. "But we just got here! You agreed you'd be here, at least for a while."

We weren't even inside the house, where the party was meant to be taking place, but I got the snapshot of what it was like. Booze everywhere, old 2000's hits blasting so loudly it was a surprise the cops didn't show up yet, and people were making out everywhere. There was even a guy getting a blowjob right beside the house.

Did I mention I hated parties already? Because I despise them.

I came here to get drunk, to try to forget about Alexander Hale for a little while, but if this was what I got, I didn't need it. I could just get a fake ID and buy some alcohol, getting drunk in the comfort of my own room in comfy PJ's. Not the tight maroon crop top I was wearing and a pair of leggings that definitely showed off my bright red panties.

I mentally groaned. Staying home should have been the route I took.

"Just look at this mess! I feel like a rat in a sewer." I said, my nose scrunched up.

Daisy wrapped an arm around me as she smiled. "Well, rats belong in sewers, so maybe that's a sign you should stay here."

Woops. "Wait, let me make a different analogy—"

My best friend let go of me as she moved to stand in front of me and grabbed my hands. Her brown eyes were energetic and peering, like they always were.

She took a deep breath before she said, "no analogies needed, Kelsie. If you want to go home - okay, go. I'll give you my key. However, let me say this first. With the right amount of alcohol, anything goes. You won't even notice the... weirdly exhibitionist sexual acts people having going on or the pungent smell of whiskey. You'll let loose, enjoy yourself and who knows? You might finally get Alexander out of your head and have fun."

That did sound good. And I did agree to come here with her - tapping out so soon would be very uncool of me.

With a sigh, I replied. "Fine. Okay, I'll stay. Make sure I don't drink too much; I don't want to completely lose my inhibitions."

Daisy squealed and then said, "of course, Kels! Let's go inside."

And so, despite my mixed feelings, the two of us walked in.

Everything was ten times worse inside; it made the outside look peaceful. However, I had already told Daisy that I would stay at least for a little, and I wasn't about to back out. Besides, I hadn't even had a drip of alcohol yet - what was the point of being here if I didn't achieve the one thing that made this thing enticing in the first place?

"Should I get us some alcohol?" Daisy asked as we sat down on the couch. Somehow, everyone avoided it - even the couple that was dry humping just nearby. "I'll pour it straight from the cans to make sure we don't get the nasty ones."

I smiled, nodding. "Sure, I'll wait here."

With a quick hug, she promptly sauntered off, leaving me sitting alone on the couch. I could only count down the minutes as she went to fetch us those drinks. Using all my might, I hoped she'd hurry up - there was nothing worse than being alone and sober around a large group of teenagers.

I pulled my phone out, trying to distract myself when somebody suddenly sat beside me. Thinking it was my best friend, I put my phone away and turned to face them, a smile on my face.

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