enemies with benefits | 21

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Chapter Twenty-One: Staying Over


"So, what you're telling me is that Daisy knew all along? And she didn't care?" Alexander said, momentarily locking gazes with me before his vision went back onto the road. "You're telling me your best friend actually acted like your best friend and was totally cool with what you do in your personal time? Shocker."

I rolled my eyes at him. It was dumb of me to think we could get along for the short duration of the car ride to his house. And yet, I didn't regret my choice to get in with him. Not for a second since I jumped in. Was that strange?

"Don't be a dick." I said to him. "This is huge to me. I was so worried about her finding out."

"Why?" He asked, and he genuinely seemed confused. "Daisy's cool. Even I know she wouldn't go berserk, unlike her best friend."

I groaned. "You're so frustrating, you know that?"

And this time, Alexander grinned, like my statement pleased him thoroughly. "It's part of the charm."

When I first texted him, asking him whether he wanted to 'hang out' (we both know what I actually meant when I messaged him) I half expected him to bring up the fact I had blown him off earlier, when he first wanted us to meet straight after school. But he hadn't brought it up at all.

Instead, he stopped by my house, let me get in and mentioned nothing of the thing. I wasn't sure why he didn't bring it up - it seemed like the type of petty ammunition he'd love to hold against me.

Oh, you didn't want to meet up? Well, I don't want to meet up either.

You blew me off, so it's only fair if I do the same.

You ignored me, so now I'll tell everyone about us.

He seemed entirely oblivious to the fact that I'd ditched him only a few hours earlier. Or maybe he was just acting like it, waiting for the perfect straight.

No. For some reason, I knew none of those things was the truth. In reality, he just didn't care. That was strange for Alexander.

"I actually wanted to ask you something." He suddenly said, his voice cutting through the silence.

Partly jolted by him, I asked, "What is it?"

"What's going on with you and that one kid: Michael. Or is it Mike? Either one. You know which guy I'm talking about." He asked, not taking his eye off the road for even a millisecond. 

"Mike is just a friend." I replied, carefully choosing my words. I wondered how he even knew that we were hanging out. I doubt Mike told him; he seemed quite put off by Alexander.

"Yeah?" Alexander questioned.

"Yeah." I reaffirmed. "Why?"

"No reason."

I huffed. "You always have a reason for everything, Alexander. So just spit it out."

Finally, he glanced over at me. Though his brief look was accompanied by a rather frustrating grin. "It's simple curiosity, Kelsie. I've only ever seen you around Daisy, so I was only wondering what's the deal with Mike. That's all it is."

I tried searching his face to see if he was lying, or perhaps concealing part of the truth, but I didn't find any signs. Considering the fact I knew him for years, and knew the type of signs to look out for, I was convinced by this.

So, I decided to just slump against his leather seats and listen to the music playing. This time he let a random radio station play rather than his carefully selected playlist, so I was subjected to some nice songs rather than what he'd made me listen to last time.

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