enemies with benefits | 14

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Chapter Fourteen: Parks and Panic


Alexander parked outside a park. I should have known he'd have his way - he led me directly to his car, placed me in the passenger seat and went over to the driver's side. Before I could make a break for it, he locked the doors and turned on the engine, and then we were on our way.

To make matters worse, he wouldn't even let me pick the music while we drove, so we ended up listening to some terrible playlist full of rap songs.

"You don't actually like this, do you?" I made sure to ask.

He gave me a cocky grin, momentarily looking over at me. "Now you're talking to me. Finally."

"No, I'm not." I crossed my arms and looked away. "I'm still mad at you. Daisy's going to be pissed when she sees I didn't come back."

He laughed. "Very well, ignore me then."

The drive was silent for a little after this, with only the terrible music playing as background noise. However, then Alexander added on: "for the record, I don't actually like these songs. But I know you hate it more than me, so I'll endure them."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would do something like that.

When we got there, I rushed out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Alexander also got out, and promptly locked his car before coming over to me and grabbing my hand. I reluctantly began walking with him, my feet dragging against the floor.

"Come on, Alexander. Why are we here?" I asked him, exhaustion lacing my tone.

"I already told you, Kelsie: it's a surprise."

"I don't want a surprise. I want answers." I told him.

"And you'll get them," he said dismissively. "Be patient."

I groaned pessimistically. "Why are you being so difficult?"

He didn't reply, but I didn't miss the amused glint in his green eyes. If anything, it was more annoying than his stupid stunt. It meant he was enjoying himself and likely wouldn't back out of his little scheme anytime soon. That was bad news for me, as I was desperately hoping this wouldn't take long and I could get back to Daisy before she noticed anything.

I was lucky she had Tyler. I would have been in deep trouble by now.

Not that I'm in the clear anyway - Daisy already knew about the 'mystery' boy in my life. One false move and that was all blown up too.

"Keep following me or I'll be forced to carry you." Alexander said.

"If you weren't practically sprinting I'd probably have an easier time," I told him. "You damn well know one step for you is worth about three of mine."

Alexander didn't say anything for yet another time. However, I did notice he slowed down - slightly. Just to the point that I could sort of keep up with him.

Why I was even bothering to follow him in the first place? Who knows. He could have very well been leading me to my death and I would have willingly walked into it. Honestly, it seemed like the only logical reason for him to have taken me here - I couldn't think of any other reason.

Eventually, I noticed we were walking towards a wooded area, and soon enough we were on a rocky path in what felt like a forest. Suddenly the idea that he wanted to kill me became more and more likely, and the urge to turn back and run was prominent.

I was actually about to turn around and storm all the way back to the football game when I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my hips and then I was hoisted off the ground. Before I knew it, I was being carried - in a cradle position like somebody may be if they were a princess or something.

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