enemies with benefits | 4

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Chapter Four: Morning After


The first thing that came across my mind the next morning was damn, my head hurts.

As my eyes fluttered open and the ache between my legs got noticeable, I hardly even realised I wasn't in my room, or a room that was remotely familiar. Instead of panic washing over, the worry I was somewhere unknown, I decided to slowly sit up, one hand on my forehead and another on the space beside me, and looked around.

And when the covers slowly drew off my shoulders, that's when I came to another startling realisation - I was naked.

I didn't even want to look beside me, but something made me quickly turn my head, staring at what filled the space beside me.

A sleeping figure - a sleeping boy. Their back was to me, but I could still see enough. The boy's back was bare, and from the clothes scattered around the bed I could guess he was naked too, and his messy dirty-blonde hair that had strands going in all sorts of directions.

A cold panic washed over my face as the truth hit me.

No way. It couldn't be. The universe wasn't that cruel.

But apparently it was - as soon as he turned around and I could pay attention to his face, my fears were confirmed. In bed with me was the one guy I hoped I would never have to see in such a circumstance - my sworn enemy that I dreaded to see anywhere.

Alexander Hale.

"Fuck!" I whisper-yelled, thankfully not waking the devil up.

Shit. How could I have let this happen? How drunk could I have possible gotten? Not only did I lose my virginity in such a manner, not even able to remember how - with only the sensation between my legs signifying it happened at all - but I also lost it to him.

There was no way I'd live this moment down.

My only solace was that he was as drunk as I was, so perhaps he wouldn't remember either. That was the hope, anyway.

I tried sneaking out of bed while watching him closely, doing my best to not alert Alexander. If I could leave without him ever finding out, it'd make my life just that tinier bit easier. I didn't want to turn my back to him in the fear I'd miss him waking up and have to deal with an awkward situation, but once I was off the bed I felt comfortable with turning my gaze away from him and began getting dressed.

Fortunately, my underwear was within arm's reach. I didn't have to scour much for them.

Unfortunately, that was as far as my luck went, as just then, a deep voice rang in the air.

"Please tell me you're in disguise."

I clasped my bra on and lifted a shirt - definitely not mine, but I didn't give it much thought - to my chest to block his sight.

"What?" I asked, with more venom in my tone than I thought would leave. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I suppose sleeping with the enemy has some perks.

He groaned. "Nope, definitely the real one. Fucking hell."

"I'm not happy about this either, don't worry." I said. "It's a terrible case of bad luck for both of us."

He just looked at me for a moment before grabbing the pillow beside him and throwing it over his face. I just stood there limply with the shirt in my hand, wondering what he was doing now.

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