enemies with benefits | 20

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Chapter Twenty: Dinner Dates


For the entire journey back, I was bombarded with questions about Alexander and I's agreement. It was like Pandora's Box - now that the secret was out, and Daisy knew that I knew of her knowledge regarding the whole situation, she had a million things she wanted to ask. Things, I found out, she'd wanted to ask me since she first saw us together at that party.

It was halfway into the journey that her endless stream of questions suddenly came to a halt with a gasp. I looked over at her in surprise, seeing as she slapped a hand over her mouth in shock.

"Does that mean... wait - I didn't piece this together earlier. Does this mean you lost your virginity to him?"

I squirmed. Sometimes I forget that I did actually lose my virginity to him - it felt like ages away now. And it felt so inconsequential after everything we did since.

"Yeah," I said. "I suppose I did."

"Wow. I kind of expected it though - there was always so much... tension between the two of you." Daisy muttered, like she'd drifted off into a thought.

I practically sputtered. "Please, now you're just thinking crazy thoughts. There was no tension between us before we slept together. This whole thing started as one big, drunken accident."

For a little while, I wasn't sure if Daisy would reply to that. It seemed for a moment she was trapped in her thoughts, figuring out what to say. She was often like this when we were discussing Alexander - she didn't exactly defend him, but she did see a side of him I didn't think was capable of existing.

Or at least, a side I once didn't think was capable of existing. Now, I wasn't certain about it. But I know one thing indefinitely - whatever Daisy was trying to achieve by suggesting there was something there before the party, it was complete bogus.

"I know that, of course - both of you looked entirely wasted out of your minds when I saw you. But I also saw the two of you before that, and it's impossible to argue against from an outsider's perspective." She said after a while.

I decided to ignore that. My house quickly came into view, so with a brief hug and promise to text each other later, we parted ways. I was pretty sure that she'd continue to hound me with her questions over the phone once she too got home, but I tried to forget about that part as I stepped into my house.

I barely managed to reach the stairs until Gina popped out of nowhere, the typical smile that could be seen on her face not present.

"There you are, Kelsie. I was wondering where you were." Gina said, standing by the stairs.

"Sorry, I probably should have texted. I got carried away talking to Daisy." I told her, feeling thankful for the fact I didn't have to lie. Of course, I would never in a million years dream of telling her what we talked about, but I knew she would never pry either.

Finally, Gina smiled. "That's perfectly okay. I know what it's like to be a teenage girl - I was only worried. There's no need to rush back home as long as I know where you are and that you're safe."

I smiled back, nodding in response. "I'll let you know next time. Where's Dad?"

"Oh, he's in the kitchen. He refuses to let me go in - says it's a surprise." Gina explained, and suddenly a lovesick glint reached her eyes. It was sweet seeing how head over heels she was for my dad, even after all these years together. "I know he probably doesn't want me in there because he's butchering some new recipe he found online, but I can't keep hoping that the real reason I'm kept out is because he's preparing something special for us. It's been so long since we've had a date."

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