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My little Scarlett hops inside

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My little Scarlett hops inside.

I smile when she waves at me before closing the door behind her. She's too cute. Even though it's pretty early in the morning, she's in the best mood. And so am I.

I make sure my car's full, so we don't have to get up so early next week. After I paid, I head to the shop. Would Scarlett be a Starbucks girl?

But when I come in, I don't see her. I frown. Where is she? The coffee machine is right here. I walk through the shop, and finally see her at the rack with snacks.

But she's not alone.

This old man --40?50?-- is standing behind her, his hands on her waist. It's the owner of the shop, I think. "Sir! I've been saying it for the past ten minutes, get that hands off me!" she sobs.

She's crying! I rush towards her and push the man aside. "Sunbeam! Come here, I got you," I whisper and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and sobs into my neck.

"H-he didn't go away," she whimpers. I glare at the man, who's watching me with wide eyes, filled with fear. He clearly knows who I am. 

"Shh, sunbeam, you're okay now. You know what I do with man who hurt you?" I ask, fishing my gun from my jacket. With a frown, she watches it. Then, she looks up at my face. "What?"

Her soft voice calms my anger a bit, but not enough to save this man's life. "Kill him." Her eyes go wide, and she looks at my gun again. Then, she closes her eyes, hides her face in my neck and covers her ears with her hands.

I smirk. Our Scarlett has guts. I point the gun at the man, who's begging me to spare his life. I let out a bitter laugh. "You're stupid when you actually think that I'd do that. You touch what's mine, and I take what's yours. And in this case, you touched my life. So, goodbye."

I shoot him in the chest and watch him collapse. Then, I take some donuts and walk away, so Scarlett doesn't see his pathetic body fighting against the death. He'll lose. 

She looks up again, and I search in her eyes for fear, or anger. But there's none. An uncomfortable feeling settles in my chest. I can't read her anymore. Did I let her lock everything up? Is she scared of me?

But then she sadly smiles. "Thank you." Startled, I stop walking. we're just at the coffee machine, so she squeals and starts making coffee.

I just killed a man for her, and she makes coffee?

I gently take her hand in mine. "You're not mad? Or scared?" She shrugs, but I can see pain in her eyes. "Ever since... Dad did that, I just don't like anyone's touch. Well, obviously, except yours. And I just got so scared of him, and he didn't go away."

I frown and hug her. "No one will harm you ever again, sunbeam. I promise you," I whisper. She nods against my chest. Then, she wrinkles her nose. "The coffee's bad."

Smiling, I take a sip. I wrinkle my nose too. It tastes like a dead dog. "It is bad," I agree and throw the cup away. I give her the donuts, and she smiles.

"Let's go eat them in the car," I suggest and she nods. She hops back, with me following closely. I made a mental note; never leave Scarlett alone when she looks hot. So, basically, always.

I watch her closely when she starts eating. She really doesn't seem scared of me. "Sunbeam?" She hums, a slight question in it. She looks at me, expectantly.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you this but... that wasn't the first man I killed," I blurt out. I'd feel better if she knew. If I tell her after three months, I would have to start gaining her trust again. So, I can better tell her now.

She laughs. "No shit." At my confused expression, she starts explaining. "Look, it's not the best thing. I know that too. But I also know you'll never hurt me, or some of the others. Or my family."

Her eyes go wide. "You said when a man hurt me... Did you kill me dad?" She whispers it. I shake my head and take her hands in mine. "No, sunbeam. He may miss a finger, but he's alive." Well, physically.

"Miss a finger?" Her voice is high pitched. I cringe. Kill a man? No problem. But oh, a missing finger...

"Well, I've got men to do that for me, you know," I mumble. She frowns. "Is that your work or something? Torturing men? Killing men?"

Well, yes. 

"Eh..." Should I tell her? "Kinda?" My voice sounds questioning, and her eyes go wide. Then, she whispers,"Are you all in the mafia?"

Shit. Shit shit shit. I start panicking. Can I tell her? Would Jordan kill me or just lock me in the basement with Dante?

"We're not in the mafia. We are the mafia," I tell her. I can better tell her all of it, if Jordan's killing me any way.

She gasps. "Wait. What do you mean you are the mafia?" How many ways are there to get it? "I mean that we're leading the mafia with us four."

That makes her frown. "Four? As long as I know, you're with five." Well, yeah, but... "Owen can't handle an important job," I shrug. That makes her frown even more, but now she's staring out of her window instead of asking.

I panic again. Did I blew it? "Sunbeam?"

"No. You're mean to Owen," she snaps. I let out a breath of relief. I can fix this, as long as it isn't fear for the mafia. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It was a joke."

It wasn't, Owen is really not capable of having an important job. So, he's just a delivery boy. And he cleans up bodies, too. We all work in an office, but Owen can't stand it. He's lucky Jordan has given him more lunch time with Scarlett.

She scoffs. "Owen is sweet. That's more important than some job," she says. I nod, a sucker for her lectures. "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me," I pout.

She glares at me, but can't hold her smile in and gives me a kiss. "You're too sweet to be mad at. But don't be mean to Owen again, okay?"

I nod. "Okay, sunbeam."

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