Blood Born - chapter 3

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I stood near the door to the throne room and listened. It sounded quiet. Too quiet like my hallway. I glanced over my shoulder at Charlene. She stood on the bottom step crying.

Poor dear.

"Who do you think they are?" she asked.

"I don't know. I suppose my mother and father have enemies. Maybe it's those Guild people."

I pushed on an emblem carved onto the door activating another switch.

"Please, don't go, Ellie."

"Stay here, Charlene. You'll be safe."

"I can't let the princess go out alone and do nothing. Your guards should be with you."

"They're probably dead. And don't worry. Mother has taught me how to fight and protect myself. It was part of that daily training she's had me doing since I could walk."

"I don't know, Ellie. This is really dangerous."

"Just stay close to me, okay."

I pulled open the door enough to squeeze through. The stone was cold on my bare feet as I snuck along to the doorway. Hiding within the curtains that lined the entrance, I peaked around the corner. Charlene breathed heavily in my ear. I reached back and held her hand. There were torches laying on the ground and a few overturned chairs. I snuck to a suit of armor that stood in a corner. Father always told me that it belonged to his father and he'd wear it into battle. Attached to the armor was grandfather's broadsword. I pulled it from the sheath at its side as silently as I could.

"There she is! The princess!"

I turned to see three people dressed in all black running towards me.


I took a stance like mother had taught me, holding the heavy sword at the ready, prepared to fight them off for as long as I could.

"No." I looked to my left and saw mother, father, Prince James and the rest of the royal guard running towards me as well.

"Drop the sword and run, Evelyn!" Father screamed.

I looked at the three black clad people and decided to listen to my father. I dropped the sword and ran to them. Mother and father pushed me into James's arms as the royal guard surrounded us.

"James, take Evelyn to safety."

"No! I'm staying here! I'm helping," I shouted at them.

"This is not up for debate, Evelyn. You are going with James. They are here for you. They will not stop until you are dead and they are lethal. Go!"

I pursed my lips and let him pull me away from the scene in the dining hall. Mother, dressed in nearly identical clothing to the three who were trying to kill me. Father was uncharacteristically under dressed. He wore nothing more than his breeches, boots, and shirt with his sword at his side.

"Hold on," I said, breaking from James's grasp.

"No, we have to go."

I glanced back to see the three people attack Mother.

"Mom," I cried out.

One of the black clad people spotted me and darted around the guard.

"Let's move!" James pulled me through the kitchen to the stables out back.

Charlene followed close by.

"Don't follow us, madame. Hide within the woods beyond the barn. They are not after you, they want the princess."

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