Blood Born -chapter 40

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The pregnancy progressed as expected. My nerves were on edge as each day passed and my belly grew with the wonderful life inside. The Guild had been quiet for some time. There were no more attempts on either of our castles.

I knew they were planning something. Perhaps for when I was much to round to be a threat. Or worse, maybe they planned to kidnap the child.

"Hold still, Evelyn."

"I am, Charlene. The dress is simply too small."

"It's new!" She exclaimed breathlessly.

"Look at this thing!" I shouted pointing to the protrusion beneath the too-tight cloth. "It won't stop growing."

"That's what pregnant bellies do. They grow."

"I can barely move."

"You move around just fine. You just need more gowns with looser material."

I threw my hands in the air and stormed off with my unlaced gown still hanging on.

"Where are you going?" She called after me.

"The only place I ever am anymore. The kitchen to aid in the expanding protrusion!"

I heard her clicking heels scurry behind me.

"You need clothing on."

"I have some on."

"A proper dress, Evelyn. That one isn't even laced all the way."

"It'll be fine for now."

I pushed open the kitchen door and my stomach flopped. The smell of roasting meat caused every fiber in my body to fight against me. Grabbing the nearest pot deep enough to get my head in, I threw everything up that I'd had since the prior day.

"Are you alright, Princess?" a short, older woman asked running from a bubbling cauldron.

Charlene stood at my side holding my hair out of my face as I wretched once more.

I handed the filled pot to the old woman. "Sorry about your pot."

"Uhm, quite alright, dear." she gave the disgusting thing to another, younger woman who scurried away with it. "Let me make you something to ease that stomach of yours. Pregnancy will do horrible things to a woman, it will."

"I've been noticing."

"That dress is looking awfully tight as well."

"Yes, it feels rather tight."

"That's because it is. We can't even lace it up."

The old woman stifled a laugh as she ladled a dark broth into a bowl. "Until you get more made, I believe we still have your mother's gowns from when she was pregnant with you."

"Old gowns?" I asked in horror.

"Old, but they'll fit."

"Comfort over fashion this one time, Evelyn." Charlene urged.

"Fine, fine," I mumbled, accepting the bowl and hard bread from the woman. "Thank you."

"No thoughts of it. Now off to your chambers with you. You can't be seen running about the castle in a gown that doesn't fit."

I nodded and left the kitchen with my broth, bread, and friend in tow.

"I'm going to die," I moaned, placing the bowl on a table once we entered my chambers again.

"You're going to be fine. Women have been having children for centuries."

"It feels like my body is going to burst at the seams."

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