Blood Born - Chapter 12

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The tents in front of the castle were beautiful. Reds, golds, and greens were scattered about. The largest in the center hosted the king, prince, and other higher nobles of the country and foreign lands. We walked through the front and it felt like I'd walked right back into the palace.

"Cassius?" my mother called.

"Over here, sweetheart." He waved from an elegant table adorned with platters of delicious-looking foods.

Mother sat beside my father and I sat beside James. He smiled over at me before standing.

"I'm sorry gentlemen but I require the use of the tent for a bit. Please go, enjoy other parts of the festivities while I discuss business with the king and queen of England."

A few of the nobles looked in our direction with confusion. James motioned to his guards who helped everyone leave the tent. I looked at James and chewed my bottom lip.

Don't you dare tell my parents about Draco.

"Cassius. Joselyn." He paced around the table as we stared up at him.

"What's wrong, James?" my father asked.

"There is something I need to talk with you about."

"What?" my mother asked.

"It's about Evelyn."

"James. Don't," I hissed at him.

"They need to know. This is something major."

"What?" My mother stood and slammed her hands on the table.

"There is something I never told you or any other dignitary."

"What?" My father sat back in his chair, apprehension plastered on his face.

James took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You've heard legends of the dragons from times of old?"

"Of course, but they're just that, legends."

He shook his head. "No. They are very much real and live here. In Scotland."

"So the rumors are true?" my mother asked.

"Rumors? You've heard more than the fairy tales?" Father questioned.

"Yes, the guild talked about dragons but only in rumors. They never had solid proof that the dragons were real. I always assumed they weren't."

Alastair stirred next to me. His eyebrows arched as he struggled to speak. Nothing ever came out.

"It's okay." I rubbed the old king's arm as James looked from me to him.

"It's true."

"Whether it's true or not, what do dragons have to do with Evelyn?" my father asked, staring at me.

I stood next to James and grasped his hand. "What he's trying to say is I'm a dragon rider."

My mother said nothing. She closed her eyes slowly and opened them back up.

"Don't look like that, mother. It's not very queen-like."

"Do you have any idea how insane you sound?" she asked.

"Show them," I said to James.

"Show them?"

"Yes. They need to meet Draco to understand."

"Draco?" my father asked.

"My dragon that I bonded with, his name is Draco."

"It has a name?"

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