Blood Born - Chapter 29

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My mind reeled from the revelations. Everything was set up to happen as it did.

"What do we do about them?" I asked.

"About who, lass?"

"The Guild. What do we do about the Guild?"

"Aye, they are a bit of a problem."

"Do they have a weakness? Can they be killed?" James asked.

"One did die, did he not?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how. The others weren't harmed."

The old woman stood from the table and turned to a cabinet behind her. Beyond the ancient doors rested many dozens of potions. She dug about the old vials picked up one, shook her head, and placed it back. A loud ah ha and the doors slammed shut.

She handed over a glowing red liquid to me. It felt hot in my hand as I held it up in front of me. Reaching to remove the cork, she slapped my hand.


"Do not let that touch any part of you."

"Why?" I shook the bottle, mixing up the volatile potion.

"If it touches your skin it will turn you mortal. Your bond to Draco will be broken."

"Is that how it will destroy them? Will that kill them?"

"I'm not sure. It should, but if there is another spell protecting them on top of the one I performed, they may not be able to be destroyed."

"Wait, what? Is that possible?"

"Anything is possible?" She returned to dunking her sweet biscuit in the tea, munching happily as though our lives weren't in danger from a dangerous band of people.

I nudged James and got up from the table. "Thank you for the help, Witch."

"Do be warned, child. This is not a simple nor easy adventure you embark on. There are many dangers you must watch for along the way, and do not be surprised if not everyone from your party returns."

James and I glanced at each other and nodded before hurrying out the door. The horses tied up out front let out an ear-piercing whinny as we climbed into the saddles. My heart leaped to my throat as I watched the old witch's house vanish before my eyes. Gripping the reigns tightly, my feet nudged the horse into a gallop anxious to get out of the mysterious and mystical woods. James and I rode hard, not stopping until the castle came into sight. Horses stomped about the front grounds as people held lanterns towards the tree line closest to the castle.

"Shit," I muttered.

"They're looking for us," James grumbled.

"Yes. I know. I suppose that's what happens when the prince of Scotland and Princess of England go missing in the midst of a supper."

"Ho! There they are! The missing prince and princess," a man shouted, running toward us.

Sighing heavily, we slid off the steeds and handed over reigns to the first stable hand who reached us. The horses trotted happily back to the barn, sweat covering their chestnut bodies.

"Evelyn! Where have you been? Why did you leave? What is the meaning of this foolishness?"

"Calm down, mother."

She spun me around, checking every part that she could see. Once Mother was satisfied that I hadn't been harmed she drug me into the castle as though I were a mere child and not a woman trying to save the world. Or at least my world. Her clench tightened around my wrist as we hurried down the darkened halls of the old castle. A cold breeze swept down the corridor as we approached my chambers. A fire roared in the fireplace, and Elizabeth sat in a chair near it doing her needlepoint. Mother slammed the door behind us and shoved me further into the room.

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