Blood Born - chapter 6

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The day before leaving didn't provide much excitement. I helped Charlene pack our trunks while attempting to avoid Captain no-fun. The rain pounded against the windows of the castle. I'd hoped it wasn't foreshadowing of what we could expect while in Scotland. The morning of our trip, I awoke early. I lay in bed waiting for any sound in the castle. All was silent. Glancing at the guards, I noticed they leaned against the walls, sleeping. I crept out of bed and to the door connecting my chambers to the Bower room. Sneaking through, I opened the main door to the hallway. The guards who were supposed to be posted out front were nowhere to be seen.

They probably aren't expecting me to be up so early.

I snuck down the hall, down the stairs, and toward the kitchen.


I stopped my progress and turned around to face my father's personal butler.


"What are you doing up so early and sneaking about?"

"Why aren't you in my parent's bed chamber?" I snapped back.

He stood straight up and looked down his nose at me. I narrowed my eyes back.

"I had to use the privy chamber for servants."

"I got hungry early," I replied.

"Why not wake your lady-in-waiting?"

"I did not feel as though I should disturb Charlene since we have a trip today."

"Do hurry."

"Of course." I continued sneaking along, tip-toeing all the way to the kitchen.

Our head chef Alberto stirred a pot that boiled over the fire before turning to a large table in the center of the room and slicing some sort of meat. I pulled up a stool that rested in the corner and placed my chin in my hands, watching his hypnotizing movements. A small pot at the side of the fireplace clinked with eggs that rolled over each other as the water boiled. Another pit held a skewered pig.

Roast pig for dinner.

Alberto slid a small cutting board, knife, and butter. I sliced into the still warm bread and spread the beautiful, golden-white mixture on. Sinking my teeth in, I sighed a happy little sigh as Alberto smiled up at me.

"Fresh from the oven that is."

"It's delicious."

"I made a few loaves for you to take on your journey to Scotland. Along with some cheese that Madeline prepared this week."

"You know about that?" I asked.

"Princess, everyone knows. Nothing stays secret around this castle."

"Wonderful. It was supposed to remain a secret until I left tonight," I mumbled with my mouth full.

The cook laughed lightly while shaking his head. "How did you escape the guards?"

"They're all sleeping. It wasn't that hard."

"Of course, they're sleeping," he said. "They either eat, drink, or sleep. Most of them are completely useless."

"I agree."

I stood, taking the remaining bread with me, and walked outside. The ground was soft, wet, and muddy. I loved the feeling of mud squishing between my toes. I crossed the drive and headed for the stables. Inside it was dry and warm. The smell of hay and horses invaded my nostrils. I ripped off chunks of the bread as I strolled past each stall, holding out the treat for the inhabitant inside. The horses' soft muzzles and whiskers tickled my hand as they nibbled the bread.

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