Blood Born - Chapter 20

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My heart slammed against my chest and my mouth was dry.

"Enough of all this! I'm sure Evelyn is tired from her long journey." He clapped his hands and a young girl, who couldn't have been much past her sixteenth year, appeared. She wore a long black dress with a white apron trimmed in lace. "Please, show the dear princess to her accommodations."

"Of course," she said, bowing low to him. "This way."

I followed her up an expansive staircase to a long hallway of doors much larger than they needed to be. She paused in front of the last door, remaining silent the entire time.

"This is my room?"

She said nothing. Her eyes were downcast and her lips seemed to be in a permanent frown.

"Um, thank you."

Still nothing from the girl. I shook my head and entered the room unsure of what to expect.

The chamber was scarcely furnished. A bed rested against one of the walls, a desk sat in front of the window, and a stand with a washing basin completed everything. I wasn't so used to a basic room. The vast differences between what I had now and everything I grew up with put what I'd done into perspective. My life of luxury would be over as I continued with the Guild.

I suppose assassins do not need opulence, but not even a wardrobe for clothing.

A pair of black trousers, a black tunic, and a black sash lay on the bed with black boots sitting nearby. I picked up a piece of paper that rested atop everything and unfolded it.

Sweetest rosebud,

I am so thrilled you have decided to join my little family here at the villa. You've made the correct decision. I understand your accommodations may not be what you are used to as a former princess, but I assure you they are more than enough.

Do change into the garments provided. There is no uniqueness here. Everyone is the same. As I told you, you are no longer a princess. You are an assassin and that is all. Change and join us for supper.

I tossed it to the side, feeling the anger rise in me. He had no right to tell me I wasn't a princess anymore.

Deep breaths, Evelyn. Remember you need to stay calm and play along. They will get theirs in due time.

I stripped out of the dragon armor and into the much softer, and lighter, black garb. I wasn't sure what to do with the sash, so I tied it about my waist. Pulling the boots on, I stood quickly when the door opened.

"I did not give you permission to enter!" I hollered as a girl, older than I, approached.

"There is no need to knock. You're going to have to get used to the fact you're no longer the reigning power. It'll be hard, trust me I know."

"Forgive me, this is all very new to me," I said, sitting.

"I understand. May I help?" She motioned to the outfit.

"Please do."

The girl untied the sash from about my waist and wrapped it around my face, covering everything below the eyes.

"It's our mask. When we are out on a mission, we also wear a black cloak with a hood. If times do not call for that, it can be maneuvered to cover all but your eyes. Anonymity is our greatest weapon."

"I'm Evelyn. Former princess of England."

"I'm Anastasia, baro...former baroness of Russia, a future assassin for the Russian prince."

"A former baroness?" I asked.

She nodded while tucking in the shirt. "Very good. This is how we dress. The same outfit daily. Breakfast is at sunrise. Do not be late or you will not eat. After breakfast is weapons training. Once you finish with that it is one on one with whomever you're assigned. It'll be hand-to-hand combat. If you do well you'll get lunch. Otherwise, you will practice until you get everything perfect. After lunch, you practice riding. Followed by more weapons training. Dinner is an hour after sundown then you sleep."

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