Blood Born- Chapter 38

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The day after my wedding we left for England. Elizabeth's body returned days before. Her burial would be on her family's property in three days' time. Angeline agreed to wait until we could return. I missed her. She was supposed to be part of my wedding festivities. I'd always wanted her there. She is a remarkable woman who stayed by her mother's side when they were younger.

The carriage bumped along the road, leaving behind the castle and Scotland. As we crossed the border between the two countries the lush greenery gave way to the darker colors of the English countryside. Our caravan of hundreds of people caused mud and rather deep puddles along the way. I watched as more than one time the carriage carrying mother, Charlene, and myself got stuck and had to be pushed out. The horses' heads hung low as the spirits amongst the servants was low. I didn't have the energy or the will to try and cheer them up. The weather was fitting considering why we headed back toward home.

Elizabeth's home was only a few short miles from Hampton Court. We arrived to the dimly lit castle late in the night. Mother shook me awake as the servants bustled about to unload the trunks.

"We're here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.


"Hurry, ladies!" James said, flinging open the carriage door. "The rain is not letting up."

I grasped my husband's hand and ran as fast as my satin feet would allow.

"Will you be staying with me tonight?" I asked quietly.

"Every night," James replied, kissing my cheek. "Go get ready for bed. I shall be up shortly."

I nodded and dragged my aching body up the stairs.

"Abigail?" I called out. "Abigail, are you still here?"

A plump, stout elderly woman popped her head out of my chamber room.

"Ah! My little princess is home! But, I hear you're not so little anymore. You must forgive this old lad for not attending the wedding festivities."

I smiled and kissed the old woman's forehead. "No need for forgiveness when there was no ill will. I could never be angry with my governess."

She chuckled and gasped at the sight of me. "Oh for heaven's sake, child!"


"You are an absolute mess! Let's get out of that wet dress and into a hot bath."

I nodded and followed her into the room. A metal tub in the corner was already steamed with hot water. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon drifted toward me.

"You are amazing, Abigail."

"I could never allow you to go to bed in such a state."

"Do you mind if I join you, lady?" James asked, standing in the doorway.

"I do say!" Abigail gasped. "She is a married woman!"

I chuckled and nodded at James. "Abigail, dear sweet woman, he is my husband. Prince James of Scotland, please meet Abigail. My old governess."

"Your governess?"

"She's so wonderful I just insisted she stay."

"I do beg your pardon, sir. It still is not appropriate for such things..."

"It's alright. We haven't been going with tradition lately," I said.

As James began to remove the layers of wet clothing, Abigail hurried from the area. I sat admiring James's naked body in the firelight. He slid in behind me, grabbing various soaps to scrub my hair and body. I relaxed against him as his hands explored every inch of my body. The water grew cold in such a short amount of time.

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