Blood Born - Chapter 28

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Lords and ladies stood about as my parents sat beside James. Taking a deep breath, I took a seat beside him. He looked over, smiling, and squeezed my hand. My mother picked at the food before her not eating much.

"Have you told them?" I asked

"Not yet. I was waiting for you."

Nodding my head, I turned my attention to the rest of the people. Chewing the inside of my cheeks, I wished my stomach would stop churning. At least for a moment. There was no way I could tell my parents that I was leaving again. Not so soon. They would never have it.

"Are you alright, Evelyn?" Father asked.

"Yes. Quite well, father. Thank you," I mumbled.

The image of James's arm engulfed in flame burned in my mind. I couldn't forget it.

What kind of accident did he have? Why would his father never tell him of his forced bonding?

James took my hand and led me around the great table to the dance floor. Music wafted through the air as the minstrels began to play. James held me close enough that I could smell the distinct smell of his cigars and fire. My cheeks burned as I glanced about us and noticed so many of the nobles staring at us. We were inappropriately close. Even for an engaged couple.

"People are staring."

"I don't care about them, Elie."

"They will talk."

"Does it matter?" he asked.


"How do you want to tell your parents?"

"About what?" I asked, attempting to seem oblivious to our matter at hand.

"You know what, Evelyn."

"I don't know. They're not going to take it easily."

I closed my eyes as we twirled about the floor, the music seemed so distant. I wanted to spin off the dance floor with James and run away. Run as far from all the problems as we could go.

"Do you want to get out of here?" James asked.

"Yes. Very much so."

James bowed to me, held out his arm for me to hold, and ushered me past everyone. They bowed and curtsied as we strolled past. Once we escaped the confines of the great hall, he broke into a run pulling me behind. My heart sped up as we burst through the front doors into the cool Scottish night. My breath puffed up like little white wisps of smoke as we ran across the front lawn. He slowed only once the castle was out of sight. A shiver ran up my spine as the cold night air seeped through my thick dress.

"Where are we going?" I asked through chattering teeth.

"Not much further."

"It's so cold."

"I know. I promise we're almost there."

We broached the forest and squeezed through the heavy brush and trees that seemed to be closing in on us. A tree branch seemed to reach out and slap me in the face. The stinging echoed throughout my head as warm liquid slid down my face. I reached up, wiping it away.

"I'm bleeding."


"I was hit in the face with a tree branch."

"Sorry. We're almost there."

More trees seemed to reach out for us. The skirt of my gown was caught on something; I reached down and tugged on the fabric until I heard a rip.

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