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So are you going to tell me who this mystery man is or will I can to follow you to find out?"

"Stop being extra" I rolled my eyes while straightening my jumper.

"Oh,we keep secrets from each other now?Okay,I see you" Lethabo said as she stood up from my bed making her way to my door.

"Come on Lee,don't be like that,I just want to know the guy before you scare him away" I joked

"Okay,but I am not that bad" she pointed her index finger at me,giving me a slight smile.

Beep Beep!!

"That must be him,oh my God! I'm so nervous.How do I look?" I asked smoothing my hands over my hair then reapplying some gloss.

"You look like a whole meal,he might say forget dinner and let's hop right on to dessert" she said,snapping her fingers "Let me take a quick picture of you"

I did a quick pose.

"This is why you're my best friend, you're my biggest hype woman,but it's not that type of date,we're just (friends)" I laughed

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"This is why you're my best friend, you're my biggest hype woman,but it's not that type of date,we're just (friends)" I laughed

"Trust me,he's gonna want to be more than friends after tonight"

"Girl,shut up!" I laughed even harder "Anyway,see you later,let me go before this man changes his mind" I quickly hugged her then she left and went to her room.

I took my bag and other essentials and made my way downstairs. I looked behind me to make sure Lee wasn't following me then went out the door and Michael's driver who was standing by the car opened the door for me and I got in.

"Hi" I said shyly

"Wow,you look amazing" He smiled,showcasing those beautiful teeth and dimples.

"Thanks, you look good too" I returned his smile
We sat in silence for like ten minutes then I decided to break the ice.

"So,where are we going?"

"Uhm...I got us reservations at this restaurant called La Colombe,it's down on some wine estate. I haven't been there before,just I heard that it's quite good"

The car pulled up to this beautiful tree house like,restaurant on a hill,that was surrounded my trees,plants and vineyard.

The driver opened the door for Michael and he came around to my side of the car and opened for me,holding out his hand for me. I put my hand in his and made my way out of the car and he placed his hand on my small back,leading me inside.

After our reservation was confirmed,we were lead to a secluded table and served wine while we waited for our starters.
"So Lesego,tell me a bit about yourself. You said you're here on vacation right?"

Michael said after taking a sip his wine
"Okay,my last name is Mohapi,I am 23years old,turning 24 in a few months. I'm from a town called Bloemfontein in the Free State province. I just got my Psychology degree from The University of Free State and I'm waiting for a call from one of the many centers and hospitals that I applied to. I have a little sister and yeah,that's about it "

"A Psycologylist? Wow,beauty and brains" He smirked,raising his glass

"I guess. So what about you Michael?Well I know a little bit,since I follow you on social media and I've watched a few of your movies,but I'd like to hear it from you and a little bit extra of what's not on the internet"

He chuckled "I don't think there's anything about my life that's not on the internet,but uh I am from Los Angeles,California. I'm in South Africa for business and pleasure,I needed a little break from all the work I've been doing. Something I would say the public doesn't know about me is that I'm very shy and reserved..." I chuckled,raising an eyebrow "What?" He asked smiling

"Shy?You?please" I said,taking a bite of my tuna

"You don't believe me?You know people can act and still be shy? I'm telling you,I love acting and being in front of the camera,but I hate crowds. I like my own space,away from all the noise. If it were up to me I wouldnt even have social media,man I wish I had a private life,,you know? " He gave me a sad smile.

Fame must really be taking a toll on him

"I wouldn't know that feels,because my life has always been private. I've never been famous" I smiled at him,holding his hand across the table and giving it a light squeeze.

He looks like he needs a tight hug,but I don't wanna do too much. He'll think I'm weird or something.

He looked up to me with a smile,his eyes traveled from my lips,nose,all the way up to my eyes. We stared at each for what felt like a minute then his eyes went back down to our hands on the table,he quickly snatched his hand and put it under the table

"Uh...uhm,I think we should get the bill,it's getting late" He said

"Of course,I am so full that all I want to do is sleep" I giggled,trying to clear the awkwardness then looked to side to hide my embarrassment

"Look,Lesego...I'm sorry,I just-"

"It's okay Michael,I didn't mean to cross my boundaries"

"NO! That's not what I meant,I just meant. Look,I have a girlfriend and I love her very much, I just wanna be friends"

"Sounds like you're trying to convince that more than me" I mumbled

"Did you say something?" He raised an eyebrow

"I said,it's fine" I smiled

He paid the bill and we left,the ride back was extremely awkward,I couldn't wait to get to my room and hide my shame under my blankets. Thirty minutes later the car parked in front of Lee's estates door.

"Thank you for tonight,I had a good time. That restaurant was definitely an experience and the company wasn't bad either. Have a safe trip back to LA" I giggled

"I had a great time too and I'm sorry again for acting weird"
"It's okay" I laughed "See you around,Bakari" I winked at him,stepping out of the car

"See you around,Lesego" was the last thing I heard before the car pulled off.

Even though I said that,I know I'll never see him again,I mean,he lives on the other side of the world.


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