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Lesego Mohapi

I've been staring at my phone for the past 30minutes

"Michael B. Jordan proposes to girlfriend of 2years,Lori Harvery"

 Jordan proposes to girlfriend of 2years,Lori Harvery"

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Tears were streaming down my face.How could he move on so quickly?I mean I know that they were together a while,but how can he just move on as if we never happened. Did he even feel anything for me?

I couldn't stop myself from crying. I can't believe I'm 5 months pregnant for a man that is getting married to another woman.

I don't know what I was thinking but at some point I thought I was the one that gonna end up with him.I just had a hope,you know.I know it was stupid,but I had hope.

Now I'm just another baby mama to someone who doesn't even know that we're expecting a baby.

I sank deeper into my bed, covering my self with my blankets and silently cried,all night.


I'm woken up by slight discomfort between my thighs,I reach down and feel a sticky liquid. I immediately jump out of bed,only to fall down when I felt a sudden pain below my tummy.

I screamed and Lee rushed into my room

Lethabo Mokoena

"Nana, what's wrong?" I looked at Sego's bed and it had blood stains on it

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"Nana, what's wrong?" I looked at Sego's bed and it had blood stains on it.

I quickly looked down and saw her lying on the ground on, holding onto her stomach,she had blood coming down her legs. I started panicking.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Sego?what happened? Stay here okay,I'm gonna call an ambulance"

I ran to my room and quickly grab my phone, I got the number to an ambulance and luckily I got help very quickly.I told them the situation and give them our address and they said they'd be there within 45 minutes.

The service in this country is the worst,you could die while waiting on the ambulance.

I decided to go ask our neighbour to help.He's a guy and hopefully can carry her to my car and I can quickly driver to the hospital myself.

Fortunately for me he was there and helped me carry Sego to the car,she was hysterical, screaming and crying all the way.

When we got to the hospital nurses rushed to us and took her inside.

I sat in the waiting area crying and praying to God to save Sego and her baby.She eventually told me she was pregnant after a week of me pestering her,2months ago,but she wouldn't tell me who her baby daddy is. She said it was a one night stand.

I called Boitumelo and told her about her sister,she's gonna need her now more than ever.


After about two hours of waiting the doctor came to me and told me that she has had a miscarriage. My heart broke for her,I know how much she has fallen in love with her baby and she was ready to become a mom.

She was ready.


"Sego,please eat something"

It has been 3days since she's been back from the hospital and she hasn't said a thing to me. She refuses to eat,all she does is cry.

I sighed and stood up and made my way to the door.

"You know,his dad is getting married he just proposed to his girlfriend just like that like I didn't mean SH*T..."

I froze and turned to face her, surprised by her outburst.

She let out a bitter laugh as tears fell down her face "You're disappointed in me aren't you? Well, I'm sorry that I'm not perfect like you,I'm sorry that I fell in love with someone who has a girlfriend someone that was committed,but I threw myself at him and I was too ashamed to tell you,because I know how much you are against cheaters"

She paused for a while pulling her legs to her chest. I just kept quiet and looked at her.

"Maybe this is my karma for helping break another woman's heart. She got into an accident the day she found out about us,she almost died, because we were selfish and what hurts me even more is that I know that even if I was given a chance to start over?I'd do it all over again. I'm such a terrible person, maybe that's why God took my son from me,I would've been a terrible mother"

She broke down, letting out the loudest cry I've ever heard. I got closer to her and pulled her into a hug,tears falling down my face.

She eventually fell asleep after what about like almost two hours of crying.

I can't believe she had to go through all of that alone.She hid all of that for me,because she thought I was gonna judge her.

And also who is this man that hurt my friend so much?When I find him I will surely deal with him.

I suddenly got the idea to go through Lesego's phone,I know that she'll be mad at me for this but it's for her own good.

I went through her phone till I found some messages between her and someone she saved as B.

"This must be the bastard" I said to myself

Michael B. Jordan

I just came out of the shower when my phone beeped with a message from an unknown number.

I just wanted to let you know that Lesego had a miscarriage a few days ago,I hope you're happy with yourself. May you never find peace for what you did to my friend.


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