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Michael B. jordan

I have been back in LA for three days and I've been trying to go about my life as if nothing happened,but something definitely did.

Meeting Lesego made me realize that I haven't really been as happy as I've been telling myself that I am,I don't know,I just feel different. I feel like running away from everyone and everything and just start my life afresh,as a regular person. I'm over this celeb life honestly.

"BABE!" Lori yelled,breaking me out of my thoughts

"Are you even listening to me? I swear since you've been back it's as if you left your mind back in South Africa " she said with an attitude.

"Damn,I think I did" I mumbled

"What? Michael,don't do that,you know I hate when I can't hear you" she stepped out her walk-in closet and walked up to the bed and climbed on top of me "What's wrong,Babe? Clearly you have a lot on your mind" she looked down at me with concern holding both of my hands.

"Have you ever wondered what life would've been like if you weren't famous?" I started

"Like if you were just regular Lori,who was maybe a lawyer or waitress?" I asked seriously

She burst out laughing "I'm sorry,me?A waitress?Michael, be serious."

I kept a straight face to show her I wasn't joking.

"Okay,to answer your question,no. I've never thought of my life been any different than it is now,I grew up with a famous father,my life has always been open to the public,I am used to it and I honestly love being in the lime light. I was born for this." She shrugged

I placed my hands on her waist,lifting her off me and placed her beside me,I got up from the bed and looked out of the floor to ceiling windows. I ran my hands across my face.

"Man,I don't know what's going on with me,Lori. I'm just so confused,don't get me wrong,I love my job,but I hate that it opens up my life to the public in a way that people think they have a say in my private matters. I mean,look at what happened when we went public with our relationship. Yes,a few people were happy for us,but the rest started over analyzing everything,from what we said in the past to who we used to date "

"So what are you saying?" She asked,I could hear in her voice that she was getting irritated

"I don't know. I'm going for a drive then I'm going to my place,I'll call you later" I kissed her on her cheek and grabbed my phone and car keys from her bedside table and made my way out




I could hear her calling for me,but I needed to get out of there,she obviously doesn't understand how I feel.


"Man,you're gonna let some girl you don't even know mess up with your head like this?" Steelo said passing me a glass of whiskey

After driving around for about thirty minutes,I found myself in front of Steelo's house. If Lori doesn't understand,I know that my boy Steelo would.

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