Chapter 3

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Your mind went blank as you stared into his eyes. Owen was somehow still sleeping despite your death grip on him. 

"Well? Don't you have a name? If you don't I could always give you one. Everyone deserves a name." 

"I have a name." You managed to stutter out, squirming uncomfortably under his intense gaze. 

"So she can speak." His teasing remark made you roll your eyes. He quickly looked away from you at the sound of bells turning to a small glowing ball of light. "Hey Tink." 

"Who are you?" He ignored your question, busy conversing with the glowing ball about something or other. In return you slowly edged out of bed, hoisting a now partly awake Owen in your arms before creeping towards the door. 

However the boy's shadow quickly moved to intercept you, slamming the door's shadow, and thus the door, the second you'd opened it. 

"It's quite rude to try and exit in the middle of a conversation, don't you think? We haven't even exchanged names or had snacks together and you already want to leave?" He turned to you with a childish pout you could barely make out in the mixture of moonlight and light from the golden ball. 

"Y/N who is that?" Owen asked you. 

"So your name is Y/N. How... interesting. I'm Peter." You glared at him while Owen tried to figure out what was happening in his half asleep daze. "I'm-" 

"No. How did you get in here? It's the second story." You had placed a hand over Owen's mouth to cut him off, making him look at you in confusion. 

"I flew in! Quite a bit faster than walking! Especially when it comes to traveling to London." You were about to tell him that you didn't believe him when you remembered his shadow and the way it had slammed the door. Somehow this boy being able to fly wouldn't surprise you. 

"Why are you here?" You asked, watching as Peter's shadow crept around the room. 

"Shadow ran off again so of course I had to chase him down. He always does when he finds interesting people and good storytellers. Can't stay still without a story. Quite annoying if you ask me but I guess I can understand. You do tell good stories after all." 

The streetlight outside flickered on and Peter offered you his hand, leading you and Owen back to the bed. "Now, I have a proposition for the two of you." The golden ball darted around him, jingling, as he jumped into the air... and floated. "Come and join me in Neverland!"

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