Chapter 23

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Over the course of Peter's sickness you weren't allowed to leave his side. No matter how deep he was sleeping, his hands would pull you back the second you moved, like some freaky sixth sense. Blue Jay, Owl or Crow were usually the ones to bring you food and water. However what little attention Peter wasn't demanding was viciously fought over by the boys.

"No! You spent time with her yesterday! It's my turn!" Falcon yelled at Hawk. The older boy stuck out his tongue, burrowing further into the hug you gave him. "I can hug you both at the same time you know?" You suggested, however neither boy seemed happy with that. "When will Peter get better so we can play together again?" Hawk asked, pushing Falcon aside to sit on your lap. "I'm not entirely sure. Sometimes illnesses can affect people differently based on the state of their immune system. I'm guessing Peter should be better soon though since he's gotten some appetite back." Both boys argued for a bit longer before retreating back to the surface.

True to what you said Peter was almost completely better the next day. He sat with the boys for breakfast and you finally were able to leave the bed and get some exercise. Swan and Owl had pulled you along to mermaid beach to look for shells as well as to check the fish traps. You were standing by the water, staring out into the surf, when the boys ran back to you.

"Mom! Look what we caught!" Swan cheered, holding out the trap. Your brain managed out a compliment before comprehending what was said. They called you mom. It made you feel a bit strange seeing as you were maybe a couple of years older than them but also assured that your plan was working. They trusted you, but was it enough to convince them to betray Peter?

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