Chapter 4

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"What?" The offer seemed so simple yet you were confused. 

"You know! A magical place with mermaids and tribes and pirates! Then of course there's me and my boys! Oh! And the fairies! Like Tink!" He pointed at the glowing ball who jingled in reply. 

"Really? Y/N can we go? Please please please can we go? I want to meet a mermaid!" Owen pleaded. 

"Where is this Neverland?" 

"The second star on the right. Way up there." He said, pointing toward the ceiling. 

"How would we get there?" Peter looked at you like you were a child who'd asked a silly question. 

"Flying of course! It's the only way to get to Neverland!" 

"Well I can't fly and neither can Owen." You stated, just about ready to yell and wake up the matrons. You were tired and just wanted to sleep before the sirens went off tomorrow. 

"We can fix that. Can't we Tink?"

If a stranger ever tells you to jump out of a second story window say no. You were starting to wish you had as Peter tugged your hand, pulling you out. You felt a feeling of falling for a moment before the feeling of weightlessness overtook you. You looked down, shocked to see the ground far far beneath you. 

Owen had no such hesitation, instantly jumping into Peter's waiting arms with a giggle. Peter positioned Owen so he was holding his left hand, grabbing your left hand with his right. Then, you were flying. Soaring high in the air, London slowly disappearing into the clouds below you. 

You, Y/N, an orphan who never considered herself special, was flying. However your happy thoughts were cut off by the sound of a distant air raid siren, far below you. In an instant the world came rushing back and you felt more so pulled along to Neverland then willingly escorted.

Peter gently set you down in a clearing before helping Owen out of the air where you promptly collapsed. Lack of sleep and shock had made you fall asleep in an instant. Peter caught you and picked you up carefully. He'd never been so close to a girl before, minus Tink. 

He'd shown Owen the way to his base, a large system of caverns hidden under a large and dead tree. He'd asked Tink to show Owen the way to one of the empty rooms used for the Lost Boys while he'd carried you to his own. It was hidden away behind a large bearskin curtain at the very back of the caves. You were gently placed on his bed and he'd tucked you in with a kiss to the forehead. Tomorrow you'd meet the Lost Boys and maybe, if you were right enough, become their new mother and storyteller. But that could wait until tomorrow. For now it was time to sleep.

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