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A/N: The last character! This is how I picture Owl! (Picrew by @table___) I hope you enjoy the first possible ending for this story!

You nodded your head and Peter smiled. "Taking the safest option, love? Good girl. Now I don't need to kill everybody on board." The psychotic look on his face made you shiver. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. A sudden shout drew you attention to the crow's nest. "Captain!" Wendy and Edwin ran onto the deck right as Peter jumped off the ship and into the air.


You stared blankly out at the sea, your feet buried in the sand. The mermaids lounged next to you offering you silent company though there was little they could do to actually help. Peter wouldn't allow it. Even now he watched you from the cliff top. It was as far as he would go from you when you asked for space. Your sanity was slowly slipping, despite the new boys he'd brought shortly after the others had left.

Good. You were glad they'd left. Glad they were safe from this possessive monster. You were lucky though. You had little freedoms that meant nothing in the long run. Choosing your daily walk meant little when you were still forced to walk with him. Getting to choose your clothing meant nothing when all your choices came from him. Just like being alone meant nothing when he was up on the cliff watching you. Nothing in your life had much meaning anymore and the way you conveyed that was through your stories.

"Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in a small town. She didn't have parents but she was taken care of and she was happy. One day another town declared war on her town and everyone was fighting. Her life changed when a mysterious boy offered her a place in his kingdom where he claimed she, and her honorary brother, would be safe. The only rule was she couldn't leave the castle. At first it was fun, meeting new people and living peacefully but eventually she wanted to see outside. To feel the wind and sun and sea. To live. The prince got angry. He forced her to marry him and threatened everyone so no one would help her. She lived in that castle with the prince and their attendees for the rest of her days. The end." Some of the boys were asleep while others gave you puppy dog eyes in hope of another story.

"No more tonight. Your mother is tired." Peter said, steering you out of the room. "New story tonight?" You shrugged, climbing into bed and facing the wall. "Well I really liked it." Peter pulled you into a cuddle, your back against his front. "Although I did have a problem with the end. The princess living in 'misery'. I'd say she lived a happy and safe life away from anything that could hurt her. The prince was saving her." His fingers dug into your sides through your shirt. "Wouldn't you agree, darling?" You didn't answer. Even your stories were being taken away from you. Soon you'd have nothing left other than Peter, the boys and Neverland. What a truly miserable life.

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