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There is no movement around him. He has a bear can in his hand and is sitting quietly. He is constantly looking at the TV screen, where he can see Dhuni, who has come out of the washroom after taking a bath. She immediately comes out of the room and sits on the dining table, taking the bottle kept there in her hands and slowly starting to fill the glass with water. His eyes do not leave her for a second, and he mumbles.

"What is bothering you, love?... Yes, they are right. I love you, but I can't tell you or anyone else.... You are too fragile for my demonic personality, and whenever they learn about you, they will try to hurt you. If I want to keep you from harm, I never even have to tell my brothers that I like you... "

Dhuni lies down on the sofa kept there and immediately takes the book.

"You didn't eat anything, you are very careless."

In no time, her eyes start to turn heavy, due to which she keeps the book on her chest and immediately closes her eyes. Here he gulps the whole can in one go and says angrily.

"What should I do with you? Why don't you understand this little thing that you have to take care of? You are sleeping here without any cover or anything. Just be prepared for tomorrow... "

His eyes stuck on her angelic face, which always gives him so much comfort between lots of trouble. He gets up and comes close to the screen and kisses her on the lips like he is kissing her.

"How will I control myself, who wants you badly... I love you... and I love you so much."


Dhuni is trying to open the gate of his apartment but it is not opening because Adhyant standing nearby is doing something on his mobile, and all her attention is on him only because Adhyant is very much scared of him.  Whenever he starts shouting at her in anger, nobody stops him.

Adhyant immediately raises his eyes and looks at her. Then lightly push her from the front and type the code of the apartment. Dhuni is very surprised and looks at him with wide-open eyes. Adhyant immediately starts laughing loudly and says.

"You don't need to open your eyes so much to look at me, all the employees to whom we have provided apartments, the code of all those apartments is the same. That's why I know very well what the code of your apartment is, but there is no need to share this with anyone …. "

Hearing his words, she immediately nods her head in reassurance and tells him.

"Sir ….. coffee …. "

"Yup sure … I love your handmade coffee…. "

Dhuni never likes to be around Adhyant as she is too scared of his anger. Other people never get angry in front of her because they know that she will not be able to tolerate their anger, but Adhyant cannot control his anger at all and gets angry all the time without any reason.

Adhyant comes inside with Dhuni. She at the same time goes to the kitchen to make coffee because she does not want to stay with him at all, he is looking everywhere and suddenly says.

"Make 5 cups of coffee…. "

While whisking the coffee, her hands suddenly stop. She understands the meaning of his five cups very well, she turns to him in slow motion without any sound and finds that he is smiling at her. He says immediately.

"Make five cups ….. (she nods) and food also …. "

Her lips are completely dry. She doesn't know how she will answer him, but she's getting nervous now, the door isn't closed, so all three walk in slowly and quietly, looking at her and sitting down on the couch.  Behind them, all many people have many packets in their hands. Her eyes start getting moist. She bowed her head. Sarvaksh immediately comes to her and holding her hand makes her sit on the bigger sofa exactly in the middle where Adhrith and Rudraksh are sitting on both sides. Adhyant passes the tissue box.